Installation of Rev. Dr. Handy
The Board of Trustees warmly invites you to be part of a significant moment as we celebrate the installation of Rev. Dr. Maisha I. Handy as the 12th president of McCormick Theological Seminary.
1613 W. Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL 60612
Evening dinner & music benefit concert at 7pm with registration (details coming soon.)

Celebrating Dr. Handy’s Installation
Come celebrate & be inspired by Dr. Handy's compelling vision for McCormick and her commitment to fostering growth and excellence within our institution. This benefit dinner will feature jazzy performances by our special musical guests, Nythia Martinez and Rev. Dr. Ozzie Smith Jr., along with our featured artist, CC Sunchild.
Reserve your ticket today at bit.ly/letsgetjazzy

2025 HERStory Lecture
Please make plans to join us for the 2025 HERStory Lecture, presented by Rev. Raquel St. Clair Lettsome.
A leading voice in womanist biblical interpretation, Rev. Lettsome is a powerhouse of knowledge and inspiration. Her captivating preaching, impactful teaching, and compelling writing have garnered national recognition. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true expert during our HERStory Lecture series as she shares inspiring stories & insights that showcase the power of women.
Scan the QR code to register or click here.

191st Commencement Service
The moment they've worked towards is finally here! McCormick's 191st Commencement Service, honoring the Class of 2025, is happening May 10th, 2:00 PM CST at Hyde Park Union Church. The ceremony will be livestreamed on our Facebook page.

Formation Week 2025
Embrace the sacred rhythm of "Created to Rest" at our 2025 Formation Week. An opportunity to step away from the relentless pace of life and answer God's gentle call to replenish your mind, body, and spirit. Delve into the profound importance of rest, exploring its transformative power and the wisdom of Scripture, where even the Creator paused to honor the sanctity of renewal.
We eagerly anticipate your participation.

2025 World Mission Institute
Each year outstanding international speakers and resource persons deal with a significant aspect of Christian mission. This year’s theme is “The Challenge of Our Age: Migration and Mission.” This event will be held both in person and virtually at the MTS campus at 5416 S. Cornell Ave.
In person attendees are invited to join us for a meal at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor in the Atrium, followed by the program at 7:00 p.m. in Room 210. A reception will follow the program. Visit the event webpage to learn more about the 2025 World Mission Institute.

MCHP Cohort 2 Virtual Open House
Join us for one of two informational sessions to learn more about the Micro-Credential in Community Healing Practics (MCHP). This certificate program aims to equip faith leaders and community practitioners with trauma-informed and healing-centered practices.
Session One: March 6 at 11:30amCST [https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GQpT9h6LTyi9fTqTQY9hxw]
Session Two: March 6 at 5:30pm CST [https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qZpJUP8jRjeko5e0SZ-kyA]

Writing & Resource Center Workshop
This workshop is for new and returning students to learn about the changes in the 18th Edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Participants will learn the basics of how to make footnotes and a bibliography (and win some prizes along the way!)
Join us in person at CTU Room 33 or scan the QR code to participate via Zoom or use this link: https://ctu.zoom.us/j/95754659115

Dr. Handy’s Alumni/ae Fireside Chat
Save the date for a special opportunity to hear from Dr. Handy as she shares her vision for the year and beyond during a conversation hosted by Dr. Stephanie Crumpton.
This is a virtual event via ZOOM for alumni. Click the link below to participate.

Elder’s Listening Session
Join us for a gathering where our Elders will share their insights and stories about Sacred Memory. This is a chance to reflect and absorb their wisdom as we learn to Understand The Times.
Everyone is welcome under the virtual Baobab Tree—pastors, activists, seminarians, academics, young adults, and fellow Elders. Let’s come together to listen, learn, and grow as a community.
McCormick Theological Seminary’s “Preaching Wisdom: Sacred Memory Work for Christian Innovation” is led by Dr. Itihari Toure and supported by the Lilly Endowment.
This is a virtual event via ZOOM. Click the link below to participate.

2024 HIV/AIDS Clergy & Lay Leadership Summit
Initiated in 2004 by Sylvia Jo Oglesby and McCormick Theological Seminary, the HIV/AIDS Clery & Lay Leadership Summit aims to reduce HIV/AIDS infections and related behaviors. We equip local church ministries and faith-based outreach workers with up-to-date education and best practices to help their communities.
Fourth Episcopal District of the AME Church
"Bishop Richard Allen House"
4448 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60653
Free event with limited seating (first come, first served.)

2024 Callie House Lecture
Join us for the 2024 Callie House Lecture — The Call of Reparatory Justice: Who Do You Say I Am For Such a Time as This? Our featured speaker is Rev. Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith, Regional President at the World Council of Churches, North America. Hosted by McCormick's Center for Reparatory Justice, Transformation, and Remediation, the event takes place at McCormick, LSTC Chapel, 4th Floor. Parking is available. Admission is free but an RSVP is requested.

Sixth Annual Paul Wattson Lecture
Sixth Annual Paul Wattson Lecture
Consider attending this annual lecture series presented by the Catholic Theological Union with a theme, “Global Christian Forum: Reshaping the Global Ecumenical Landscape.”
RSVP via QR code is required.

McCormick Days 2024
At the Intersection of Identity, Imagination & Impact is designed to inspire participants to discover their unique place in the world, cultivate creative ways to interact, and leverage their faith to create positive change
Make plans to join us as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of El Centro, honor the impact of our alumni & students — including celebrations for the classes of 1974 and 1999, our Distinguished Alumna, and our Rising Star recipient — and welcome our new president, Rev. Dr. Maisha Handy.
Registration is now open.

2024 Scherer Lecture
Join us for a FREE symposium honoring the late James A. Scherer, with guest speakers reflecting on Scherer as Lutheran churchman, eminent missiologist, ecumenist, mentor and beloved professor at LSTC.
Register for event.

MCHP Registration Deadline
The Trauma Healing Initiative at McCormick Theological Seminary is launching the Micro-Credential in Community Healing Practices (MCHP) program this Fall. The MCHP aims to equip faith leaders and community practitioners with trauma-informed and healing-centered practice. Find out more & consider enrolling at: https://bit.ly/thimchp

Commencement Service
Join us for McCormick’s
190th Commencement Service
celebrating the Class of 2024
on May 18th at 2pm.
The celebration will take place at
Hyde Park Union Church
5600 S. Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
Seminary reception preceding at 1130am at
McCormick Theological Seminary
5416 S. Cornell Avenue
Room 210-BC

Cross Cultural Celebration
Come celebrate our PASO, KASA, and AELM graduates!
This hybrid event will take place in Room 201 A & B and via Zoom.
5pm - 545pm — Reception
6pm - 730pm — Worship Service Celebration
Please contact Priscilla Rodriquez (773.947.6310) to RSVP and receive the Zoom link.

MTS Open House
Come spend the afternoon with us!
Our beautiful, newly built-out space at the Catholic Theological Union (CTU), just blocks east of the campus we shared with LSTC, is now open and ready to support our impact far beyond its walls.
Come see our new space for yourself: 5416 S. Cornell, 5th Floor.
Free and open to the public. Light appetizers will be served.
RSVP via email or scan below:

2024 Annual Brawley Lecture
2024 Annual Brawley, Allen, and Zenos Lecture
The Immigrant in Your Midst:
Migration, Ministry, and the Bible
April 12, 2024 | 9am - 3pm
The Brawley, Allen, and Zenos lectures at McCormick Theological Seminary will unite to sponsor a full-day event on migration, ministry, and the Bible on April 12. Free and open to the public, this event will include:
Inspiring worship
An informative lecture on migration in the Bible
Lecturer: Dr. Francisco Lozado
Christian Theological Seminary
Unique opportunities for small group conversations with McCormick faculty and local practitioners serving migrants in Chicago
A lively panel discussion on how Scripture can inspire our ministry with migrants
Lunch will be available free of charge.
Registration now open.

Community Dinner & Jazz Vespers
Formation Week 2024 | Spring 2024
April 2
In our pursuit of rest as a command, rest as care for our body, and rest as worship, we invite you to join us for a guided reflection and Jazz Vespers service with Julian Davis Reid from Notes of Rest Ministry. The evening will begin with a community dinner sponsored by the Office of Student Services.

Formation Week 2024
Formation Week 2024 | Spring 2024
April 1-5, 2024
During Formation Week, we invite you into spaces and moments to be still, to rest. Rest, not as a luxury, but as essential to our being... to our formation. What if rest guided the rhythms of the fullness of life?
What if we, as a community, were still? What might we discover anew of the divine’s call?
Coordinated by The Trauma Healing Initiative & the Office of Student Support
2024 World Mission Institute
Climate change presents humanity with a kairos moment, a critical moment in time when God is leading us into decisive action. Almost forty years ago, the 1985 South African Kairos Document issued a prophetic word about apartheid. More recently, Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patirarch Archbishop Bartholomew has named the climate crisis as a kairos, a term the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and others have also now adopted. How can a biblical sense of kairos help our prophetic eco-justice mission of caring for God’s creation today?

McCormick Day
Plenary 1: Reframing Healing and Activism
State of McCormick
Plenary 2: Connecting Theological Education and Professional Life
Plenary 3: Modeling Solutions
Alumni Celebration
Classes 1973, 1998
Celebration of Distinguished Alumna 2023
Rev. Carmen M. Rosario Riviere, MDIV 1984
Celebration of Rising Star Award 2023
Chaplain Maria Sullivan-Marrero, MAM 2020

Community Worship
The purpose of community worship at McCormick Theological Seminary:
We gather to worship the Divine as students, staff, and faculty at an institution of higher theological education. We take turns centering and affirming diverse affinity groups or theological schools of thought in the McCormick Theological Seminary community so that we can all share a variety of worshiping styles as led by those who claim them as their tradition.
When we are not focusing on one affinity group or theological school of thought, we will do our best to have representation of various identity groups who are part of our community.

Emmanuel Katongole is Professor of Theology and Peace Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He previously served as Associate Professor of Theology and World Christianity at Duke University, and as founding co-director of the Duke Center for Reconciliation. He is the author of several books, including Born from Lament: The Theology and Politics of Hope in Africa (Eerdmans, 2017). Katongole is a Catholic priest of Kampala Archdiocese, Uganda where he was ordained in 1987.
For more information, contact: Ken Sawyer ksawyer@mccormick.edu)
Sponsored by McCormick Theological Seminary, Catholic Theological Union, and Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Virtual Public Lecture: Gun Violence and Police Reform: What Churches Need to Know Now
From the perspective of a leading anti-gun violence Christian activist and a practitioner involved in policing reform, this two-part conversation will focus on the current public discourse on ending violence.
Jia Johnson, Director, Solidarity Building Initiative
Conversation partners:
Dr. RaShall M. Brackney, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Practice at George Mason University and former Chief of Police in Charlottesville, Virginia
Pastor Mike McBride,
Executive Director, Live Free USA
Streaming on Facebook Live here.

Continuing Education Workshop Series: Anti-Violence Advocacy for Churches
Participants will interact virtually with Christian activists, scholars, and a police reformer engaged in anti-gun violence, effective gun control policies, and pro-community policing strategies.
Class held virtually, $250 registration. Click here for the registration form.
Led by:
Dr. Nolan Shaw
Affiliate Professor
McCormick Theological Seminary
Dr. RaShall M. Brackney, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Practice at George Mason University and former Chief of Police in Charlottesville, Virginia
Pastor Mike McBride,
Executive Director, Live Free USA
Jaime Fluker
Faith-based Organizer
Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation (SOUL)
Dr. Christophe Ringer
Associate Professor of Theological Ethics and Society at Chicago Theological Seminary
2023 Commencement Ceremony
Join us for McCormick’s 189th Commencement Service celebrating the Class of 2023 on May 13th at 2:00 p.m. CDT. The celebration will take place at Hyde Park Union Church and will be hosted on zoom and streamed live to our Facebook page as well. A reception service honoring graduates will take place before the service in the McGaw Common Room.
Celebrate with us virtually on Zoom by registering here.
Celebrate with us virtually on Facebook by going here.
Our 2023 Commencement speaker will be Bishop Yehiel Curry, MDiv of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Learn more about our speaker here!
Through These Bars: A Behind the Walls Listening Session
Join us for a “Through These Bars: A Behind the Wall Listening Session” This is the public's first look into the protest songs created by MTS SBI students incarcerated at the Cook county jail. The evening's program includes a generative conversation, engaging with the students' songs, and a community art project. Attendees will have the opportunity to co-create themes for song lyrics with Richard Wallace and The Honorable Hakim Dough, leading to the release of a third song at our second pop-up event.
The Listening Party will be both in person and virtual, and yes, there will be food! We can't wait to share this powerful experience with you all.
To learn more about the event and register, click here!

2023 Cross Cultural Celebration
Join us before the event for a reception and to participate in a celebratory video to pay tribute to our 2023 graduates.
Reception 4:45 p - 5:45 p
Celebration Lipdub - 5:45 p - 6:00 p
Worship Celebration - 6:00 p - 7:30 p
The event will be hybrid, streamed on McCormick’s Facebook Live and in-person seating in the Common Room.
RSVP is required!
Solidarity in Community: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow
McCormick is proud to sponsor “Solidarity in Community: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow” on April 22nd 2023 at 9:00 a.m. This event will be presented by the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Chicago and will feature guest speaker Jia Johnson from the Solidarity Building Initiative at McCormick Theological Seminary. 10 scholarships will be provided for students to attend this event.
Abolition: An Intro Study Group
Presbyterians for Abolition will gather for six weeks using the the Abolition Journal Study Guide and the seminal book: “Are Prisons Obsolete?” by Angela Davis to guide them. They will meet Thursdays @ 5:30 CT from April 20 – May 25. To learn more about the study and register, click here!
Book Signing and Conversation: Dancing in the Darkness: Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times
Join us Saturday April 15th at 12:30 p.m. for a book signing and conversation with Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III about his best-selling book Dancing in the Darkness: Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times. This event will be hybrid with in-person seating and streamed live through Zoom on McCormick’s Facebook page. Books will be available for purchase on-site. This event is hosted by the Office of Student Services at McCormick Theological Seminary.