Our Values, Mission & Goals


Mission Statement 

We are a community of learning and teaching, challenged by the Holy Spirit and grounded in God's transforming love for the world in Jesus Christ.

  • We are called to nurture the gifts of women and men for faithful Christian ministry and leadership through rigorous academic study, practical experience and spiritual formation.

  • A seminary of the Presbyterian Church (USA) since 1829 and a progressive leader within the Reformed tradition, we are committed to institutional life, scholarship and ministry that are ecumenical, urban and cross-cultural.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to impact the world by offering an experience that forms community changemakers and world-class faith leaders. 

Our Seven Core Values 

Transformational Experiences

We offer learning experiences that engage and empower skilled practitioners to lead just and sustainable communities.

Social Justice

Responding to God’s call… we study, pursue, and support justice and equity in our community and throughout the world.

Connected Community

We cultivate meaningful relationships with alumni/ae and partners to nurture a network of support, belonging, and engagement wherever they are. 

Reformed Heritage

In the spirit of our broadly Reformed heritage, we are led by God’s voice and the Spirit, and open to God’s ongoing transforming work in our lives and our world.   

Cultural Diversity

We honor God’s gift of a diverse world through a community open to experiences and opportunities to learn from one another. 

Ecumenical Unity

We seek to be a visible manifestation of Christian diversity where different traditions thrive and work together to promote the common good. 

Interreligious Expression

We intentionally engage interreligious relationships that foster meaningful dialogue and civic cooperation.