Welcome to the McCormick Doctor of Ministry Program
Rev. Dr. Laurel Koepf, Director of DMin Programs
We are delighted that you are considering McCormick Theological Seminary as the place to do your doctoral work. McCormick’s Doctor of Ministry program integrates theory and practice, values your experiential knowledge, focuses on peer-based learning in cohorts, and is rooted in culturally attentive contextual education. Our goal is to provide students with a challenging course of study directly applicable to your ministry.
The McCormick DMin program addresses subjects relevant to ministry today — group dynamics, a changing religious landscape, cross-cultural competency, and organizational change – and provides opportunities for you to apply the course content to your local ministry. The McCormick DMin program is comprised of various cohorts addressing the specific needs and concerns of particular groups of students. For example, we currently have cohorts that focus on Korean immigrant churches (Korean American cohorts), Latinx ministries (Apostolic Assembly cohorts), professionals in ministries who have a pastoral care emphasis (Pastoral Care cohorts), and congregations that desire to take a more prophetic role in impacting positive change in their local neighborhoods and communities (the Prophetic Leadership cohorts). Students in each of these cohorts matriculate through a similar schedule of courses, with courses focusing on the particular contexts and concerns mentioned above. Additionally, there is a thesis project of the student’s choosing—benefiting the student’s ministry as well as the broader church.
The Ecumenical DMin is a residential program, ideal for international or domestic students matriculating through McCormick who can spend one to two years in Chicago. Grounded in the academic field of practical theology, the degree respects the ministry experience and knowledge of the participants and challenges them to consider their experience within a variety of theoretical frameworks.
Our programs reflect the unique values of a McCormick education — one that is at once reformed, ecumenical, cross-cultural, and trauma-informed. McCormick honors students’ cultural needs and theological commitments while cultivating an academic community in which students may find common ground and renew their perspective on ministry.
I look forward to hearing from you, learning about your ministry, and discussing how McCormick may serve your particular interests and needs.
Reverend Dr. Laurel Koepf, PhD
Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs