10 Classes that Make you Glad to be at McCormick
The course offerings for J-Term and Spring 2016 are guaranteed to make you salivate. THIS is why you came to seminary! Don’t forget to register for classes tomorrow and Wednesday (Nov. 17-18) so that you can get into the courses you want!
Whatever you take, don’t forget to register Nov. 17 and 18!
1) Disease and Disability in the Bible
Taught by Andrew Langford, this J-Term class will explore how cultural understandings of body and mind influence the ways physical and mental differences are described, labeled, suppressed, celebrated, feared, and revered.
3) Travel Seminars to India and Colombia
Everyone wants to get out of Chiberia in the winter, and these classes offer students the opportunity to learn about faith and justice in South India (one of the oldest Christian communities in the world) and Colombia (where faith and justice advocacy are inextricably entangled).
4) The Book of Revelations and its Legacies
Apocalypse! Symbology! Doomsday! The Second Coming! No matter how you feel about it now, the Book of Revelations is anything but boring. Learn about it’s original context and how its been interpreted over the centuries–and those consequences–this Spring with Andrew Guffey
5) Intro to Urban Ministry
This class is the worst-kept secret at McCormick. Everyone who takes it says it was the most challenging, most practical, and most fun class they took during their seminary career. Learn about the practical steps of building effective and sustainable models of ministry with Dr. Deborah Kapp.
6) Social Media and Ministry
Times are changing, and so are ways of building community. Explore the relationship between beliefs, perceptions, and practices in social media and Christian formation. Develop a theology of social media and learn how to use all the new apps and platforms to build faithful community.
7) Judges and Women
What does Toni Morrison have to do with the Book of Judges? Professor Steed Davidson will guide an exploration of subversion, nationalism, gender dynamics, power, and powerlessness in Morrison’s Beloved and the stories of Israel’s judges.
8) Environmental Ministry & Leadership
This intensive course will equip its students with practical methods as well as guiding philosophies to help their faith communities care for creation. Taught by a team comprised of McCormick faculty and organizers from Faith in Place, this course will also certify students in Green Leadership.
9) Proto-Womanist Thought (CTS)
Don’t forget to take advantage of our partnership with the Association of Chicago Theological Schools (ACTS)! This course, offered just down the street at Chicago Theological Seminary, will focus on the lives, though, and spiritual practices of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Jarena Lee, and trace the intellectual and spiritual paths of their spiritual descendants.
10) Reading the Bible in Espanglish: Latin@ Biblical Interpretation for Ministry (CTU)
Another ACTS course, this class will explore how Biblical texts are interpreted across Latin America and among Latin@ communities in the United States, with a special focus on preaching and teaching.