Combined All-Saints Continues Collaboration Between Schools


By David V. Goodwin

This week, McCormick and LSTC took another step towards connecting our two communities by combining a section of our worship services to remember saints. The event, co-planned by both schools’ worship teams, was in honor of All-Saints Day, and featured images and explanations regarding individuals lifted up for their work in the church, although many were also leaders in fields of human rights and justice. There were also stations provided in order to remember meaningful people within the private lives of those present, including candle lighting and libation pouring.

The joint service, held on the first floor of the JKM, saw roughly three dozen people in attendance, marking the close of the LSTC service and the commencement of McCormick’s. LSTC’s Erik Thone led music on guitar, with Harvard Stephens on saxophone, and accompanied by McCormick’s La Tonja Ellis, Richard Mayo, and Gary Rand on vocals. The general mood of the event was social, with many people commenting on wishing to see more of this style of collaboration in the future between the two schools.

Currently, there is talk of a possible joint Advent event in early December, and also the possibility of a shared fellowship during lent. Look for more information in the coming weeks, and don’t miss McCormick’s weekly worship services in the Common Room, every Wednesday at 12:15 PM, followed by lunch.


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