
We Are Thankful

I am thankful to God for Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Family, Friends, all humanity and especially McCormick Theological Seminary for your unconditional love. MTS receives me with open arms, support my endeavors, keeps me safe and provides me with a space to listen, learn and share my human frailties in the comfort of Christ our Lord and Savior. Happy Thanksgiving MTS.

By John Simpson

The year started with full of dreams and plans to achieve, I believe the whole world had high expectations for 2020, but something beyond our comprehension happened, " The world stopped". The bustling city to a grave one, Extroverts forced to be introverts, a stop to everything we can think of. People locked in their homes day in and day out due to COVID, might make a person wonder " WHAT CAN I BE THANKFUL FOR?" but what was meant for evil God turned it good for me. I am thankful for God's grace that we are alive! and able to step foot in the temple of God. I cherished the love of my parents and family through this lockdown and the fear of this COVID increased the love and prayer for one another.

I am thankful to God he has kept my son safe through this grave period. I believe face to face is the best communication for learning, festivities and religious gathering, when this was taken away from us, we all thrived to be in touch through other means of communication which I am very thankful for. I am thankful, I was able to learn a lot through McCormick . Learning online though can't hold a candle to learning in a class, McCormick has shown that learning can be very insightful through online too. Though we are thousands of miles apart I am thankful for the teachers and friends who gave me a broad insight in this learning and to successfully reach the final week of this semester. The extroverts stopped, the schools stopped, the festivities stopped, the restaurants stopped, overall the city stopped but His grace remained all through it working through the day protecting us, words cannot express and balance in return for what He is doing but Thank you Lord from the bottom of my heart...

By Shagila Kenan

As co-editors of this student newsletter, we are thankful for life. We are thankful for family. We are thankful for friends, We are thankful for the entire McCormick community. Last but not least, we are thankful for your thoughtful reflections that you have shared with us throughout the year.

By Maryclare and Brenda

Photo by Dalia mu on Unsplash

Photo by Ann on Unsplash


What If God ...?


What If God ...?