LRWC’s OPEN MIC Night a Great Success!


By Marvis Hardy

LRWC’s first Open MIC night was a great success. Over 15 students came to polish their public speaking skills and listen to good preaching. Student speakers shared their sermons, prayers and bible readings to hone their public speaking skills.  We heard rousing sermons from MTS students LaVonne Burleigh and Nathaniel Banks and LSTC students Troy Medlin and Eddie Rosa Fuentes.  Time did not permit everyone to speak this week but everyone will have the opportunity to speak at the monthly gatherings. We had both experienced and novice speakers sharing their trials and tribulations of public speaking. Professors Ken Sawyers and Rob Worley were present to provide feedback and critique. Other students also provided feedback and the evening was a great experience.

One student shared how despite being in seminary studying to be a minister, she had always been afraid to speak publicly. But after hearing the encouragement of other students, she stood at the podium and spoke very eloquently. Several students sang songs as part of their speaking presentation and one student had the whole room singing along to his emotional rendition of The Lord is my light and my salvation. It was a fun time had by all as they nibbled on snacks while listening to the various speakers.

OPEN MIC is sponsored by the Language Resource and Writing Center to encourage students involved in ministry to shed their fears of public speaking through practice.  While even the most experienced public speaker still experience nervousness, knowing some basic technique and presentation structure, along with practice, can ease the discomfort of public speaking. The second Friday of each month, LRWC will host the OPEN MIC night for all seminary students. Students are free to practice in their native language or English, because as we discovered last night the Holy Spirit moves in a common language understood by all with open hearts to receive it.

OPEN MIC will encompass speaking for sermons, prayers, funeral eulogy and prayer, wedding prayers and much more. And we need just as many listeners as we do speakers, so come on out and join the fun. OPEN MIC will be held the second Friday of each month in the LRWC on the third floor of LSTC, Room 301, at 4:30 pm.  Light refreshments are served. Hope to see you in the crowd! The next OPEN MIC will be Friday, March 10, 2017.


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