One on One


By Maryclare Beche

This is a storytelling segment, where students will be sharing their personal stories - highlighting their ministerial work, future goals and how McCormick is helping in this journey. Here, we will also explore some of the things that students are doing to maintain a balance between school, family, work and self-care.

In this week's issue, meet Angela Smith, a third year MDiv student.

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I have been married to Gregory Smith for 35 years and raised two adult sons, Hasani & Jelani Smith. For the past ten years, I have worked as a Medical Billing Manager for a five physician medical group. As a member of New Faith Baptist Church in Matteson, IL, I have served as a Deacon for 10 years and Teacher for 26 years. I believe that Jesus is the Lord of my life and, as a result, I seek to do his will and go where he directs. I truly believe 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 which, paraphrased, states that my body is not my own, and it has been purchased at an expensive price which is the blood of Jesus Christ.

Why Seminary?

As I began teaching outside of my local church, I desired to acquire a theological education to sharpen my skills as a ministry leader. Additionally, I desired a greater cognizance of my purpose and God-given assignment. As a result, I sought to acquire more knowledge about church history to gain an understanding of the Lord's movement throughout the centuries. I presumed that a significant comprehension of God's movement in the earth today will provide substantial clarification of God's call on my life. Additionally, I enjoy talking about the Lord and desire an atmosphere where I can engage in dialogue with other like-minded students and professors.

In what ways is McCormick helping you achieve your goal?

McCormick has ignited a fire in me to engage in social justice work. I want to motivate students of color to become more critical thinkers and pursue greater economic opportunities and privileges. The professors have challenged my ability to think critically and utilize my gifts to influence society.

If there is one thing you could change about the world, what would it be? Why?

I would like to equip students of color to pursue God and successful careers in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math).

Tell me something you like to do for fun?

Although it is extremely frustrating, I enjoy golfing. I also enjoy traveling and visiting beautiful golf courses. Additionally, I enjoy biking, walking and entertaining family and friends. Recently I arranged an outing for my husband and two adult sons, to serve at the Greater Food Depository. We went out to breakfast first, then packed boxes of food on a production line for two hours. Although it was a service opportunity, it was an enjoyable, bonding, experience serving together and giving back to our community as a family.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Thank you for this opportunity Maryclare!


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