This is my McCormick Story...
By Blake Collins
Which McCormick tradition/practice/activity/ policy are you most proud of?
In my first two semesters, McCormick held a space one or two nights a week called the ‘Cozy Corner.’ At times, the corner was set up in the main area of the building, sometimes it was in the Buchanan Lounge. This was a space of hospitality, good eats, community, and laughter. Students were invited to study, commune, meet one another – and enjoy a good meal after a long day before heading into evening classes. I met and connected with folks who I shared class with and those I did not. When the pandemic upended in-person gatherings, I’m convinced it was all the Cozy Corners that allowed me to be present with folks online. Seeing faces on a screen opposed to across the table was different, but Cozy Corners made “seeing” folks exciting and nurturing. It was this community that sustained me - and I would argue others - throughout student council meetings, game nights, study groups, and classes – because we carried relationships built from past gatherings into our virtual rooms. I cannot wait to visit a Cozy Corner again – I hope they make a comeback.
What is your memorable McCormick event?
In the 2019 fall semester, Dr. Reggie Williams hosted a panel on the importance of Black aesthetics in the Church and culture. The panel featured several local pastors and theologians including the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright. The insights and prophetic words shared during the event still sit within me, but the moment I remember the clearest was coming back from a lunch break. Dr. Williams shared a YouTube video of Rev. Wright preaching and singing on “There Was a Balm in Gilead.” To see everyone in the room marvel at such a faithful, and skilled, witness as the Rev. Wright embodies, and to see Rev. Wright’s own joy in reliving a Holy Spirit moment – I felt as if I had a ticket to the upper-room so to speak, because the Spirit was so evidently present and moving! I saw firsthand that McCormick is a special place.
What is your advice to the continuing students?
To continuing students, my advice is show up. It is always worth it. If your schedule allows for it and you’re one the fence of “do I attend this Student Council meeting” – yes. “Should I go to this guest lecture?” – yes! “Should I attend that community gathering” – yes!! One aspect of the pandemic that is clear: the ways in which we gather today are not guaranteed tomorrow. Whether over Zoom, in-person, or a mixture of the two, McCormick’s students, faculties, and staff put so much time and effort into every meeting, event, and gathering. I never regretted showing up – and the experiences and relationships gained were always rich.
Any parting shot?
Complete the race – the world is in need of your witness and care. God’s peace along the journey.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
Blake Collins, MDiv class of 2022