This is my McCormick Story...
By Min. Renee Irving Goodson
McCormick Theological Seminary is my happy place. I chose McCormick because of its diversity, and I have not been disappointed. I have met so many impressive people from many different states and countries. I am grateful for them all. This experience with McCormick seminarians and staff has been like acquiring an extended family to support me in this journey.
My most rewarding activity experienced at McCormick was the day President David Crawford, staff, and seminarians carpooled down to 26th and California in support of the Laquan McDonald family. We expected to see justice served for a young life taken by one who was to protect but instead shot this young man 16 times.
My entire McCormick experience has been most rewarding. I cannot choose the most favorable class. My Ministry classes were great because they moved me from a place of fear to trusting this journey and realizing that I am good enough. My Theology and ethics classes were rewarding because they bought new insight into us as humans and all of God's creation.
If I had to pick just one book that I considered most enjoyable and rewarding, it would be Margin by Richard A. Swenson, M.D. This book identifies the need to set margins in our lives because the lack of margins will result in an overload that causes stress.
“Trust the journey that GOD has for you.”