Today is World Teachers' Day: Appreciate a Teacher in Your Life


By Stephen Apollo

October 5, is World Teachers’ Day, when we remember and honor teachers for their critical contributions to the education and development of their students. The successful present of most of us if not all of us, is the future that was imagined, shaped, and modeled by teachers throughout our learning journey. We surely owe teachers a lot.

One of the most outstanding qualities of teachers is their patience; think of all manner of students they have to deal with and even put up with. One of the best quotes on teachers, is perhaps the one given by Todd Whitaker, “The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing about being a teacher is that it matters every day.”

I believe that, this day gives us a moment of careful reflection that heightens the appreciation of a very critical group of people, who have efficiently imparted and impacted our lives in different ways. Every good you are today, you were taught and you may even remember some names that contributed to your learning. There is however, a kind that think they are where they are because of privilege or their hard work. They carelessly forget the people who have made them to be what they are today. I believe that, if one was to take careful and honest stock of their lives, they would highlight teachers as top contributors to their lives.

Most of my former teachers, belong to my cheering squad, which cheers me on and celebrates every milestone in my life. In a church that I worked at, there was an elder who was my English teacher and high school principle. Every time he had a chance to speak about me, he excitedly expressed how proud he was with me and credited my success to his mentorship!

I come from a country where teachers are not properly motivated, thanks to their meager remuneration, which is not commensurate with their work. Some of the teachers literally sacrifice to teach and some work under very difficult and sometimes risky conditions. How I wish things were different for the teachers at home. In this World Teachers’ day, let us intentionally think of how we can appreciate the teachers who have made enormous and significant contributions in our lives in different ways. Perhaps, a call or a thank you note will make them feel appreciated and loved.

With that said, I take this opportunity to appreciate all McCormick teachers, who work very hard to see to our academic progress and who are not selfish with their knowledge. As you read this, may you feel appreciated and loved. Thank you for your wonderful work!


Here I am: William Yancey


Here I am: Patrishea A. Roldan Alomar