What and Who is McCormick?


McCormick Theological Seminary is, at its very core, a reflection of the community that has chosen to live, study, teach, and minister here.  Students, faculty, and staff come from all walks of life , which has contributed to our greatest value and defining characteristic: we are diverse!  Our community currently represents South Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, India, El Salvador,  Puerto Rico, and our recent alumni include students from the Dominican Republic, Egypt, and Colombia.  We come from the Presbyterian, UCC, Pentecostal, Orthodox, and Non-denominational traditions, exchanging ideas and finding common ground.  We are committed to that respecting and affirming our diversity; we don’t shy away from difficult conversations and engage in ongoing training and education to help us remain compassionate and respectful dialogue.

We like to color outside the lines, to think outside the box.  Our students are able to build their own educational experience by taking classes at other seminaries in Hyde Park and throughout the Chicagoland area.  This means that we are able to take courses from the theologians, ethicists, and Biblical scholars who share our interests and whose work we admire.  Our own professors are pretty impressive themselves!  We have a variety of internship opportunities in many different types of churches, hospitals, and agencies.  Research-focused students explore a myriad of topics,  including the limits of Western-defined urban ministry in international contexts, the gender performance of motherhood in the Hebrew Bible, just to name a few.

We are hands-on, emphasizing praxis as well as theory in our studies. McCormick’s degree programs focus on practical education, and our community is encouraged to practice and experiment with ministry as they discern their vocational calls.  We are continually challenged to incorporate our classroom learning to our work on the ground, and supported as we experience triumphs and obstacles.  The McCormick community inspires us to follow our individual passions, and helps us connect with the multitude of institutions, individuals, and groups that nurture us as ministers.  The opportunities for service in Chicago abound, and you can find McCormick connections in almost every corner of the city!

We are closely-knit, always engaging in community-building.  Here at McCormick, we know that our community life is the foundation for all of our strengths.  We are one of the few seminaries that offers its own housing for students, which has been crucial in building the close community that defines our identity.  Regular community events bring together our students, faculty, and staff together so that we may all strengthen our personal connections to each other.  Weekly study breaks, the annual Iron Chef competitions, and summer grill nights are often the most cherished memories of alums and remain the most popular events of the year.

The CURE blog was created to introduce McCormick Theological Seminary to those who are seeking a community like ours to pursue theological education.  Here you will find stories lifting up our diversity, our flexibility, our praxis, and our community. We are McCormick Theological Seminary and we can’t wait to meet you!


Stars, Stripes, and Sanctuaries