What If God ...?


By Brenda Pogue

How do I say goodbye to wisdom? Like a gentle breeze, it suddenly engulfs and takes one by pleasant surprise. Unexpectedly, it sweeps over and surrounds, and becomes the refreshment one desires. It awakens what seemed dormant. It inspires the creativity of the soul. It whispers through corridors, welcoming all who meet it. It whirls around hallowed spaces, touching all who enter in. It consumes those who breathe it for it is the air of enlightenment. It satiates those who take a bite for it is the nourishment of the prudent. It caresses those who dare to touch it for it is the clothing of the astute. Once tasted, it transforms, elevating one to heights undiscovered, never to be lost. How do I bid farewell to the love I’ve come to know?

How do I say goodbye to the wise? Fearlessly, they took me in and challenged themselves to know me. Unselfishly, they each poured a drop of themselves into me. They led me by the hand to explore their secret places. With open arms and open minds, they confronted my unknowing. Shaping and molding, deconstructing and rebuilding, with tireless effort, they saw the glorious ending before they began. They laid bare their wisdom so that I could have a peek into my future. The wise, too, entered through serendipitous doors, transforming themselves into fortuitous friends. Arm in arm, they took the journey with me, sharing their light so that all could see. Like iron sharpens iron, one sharpened the other. Together, we gained sapience. Then, other wise revealed themselves in ways more indirect. Through telltale smiles or knowing nods, they were the sages of compassion, the heralds of my hope. How do I say so long to the breadth of understanding?

I won’t. I can’t. The taught cannot be untaught, the lesson not unlearned. Wisdom stays upon the mind, the wise upon the heart. For only, what if God…?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay


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