What If God ...?


By Brenda Pogue

It has been a year since life changed so dramatically for our world and for the world. We faced surreality, yet we managed to adapt to a new reality. Was it a test? A challenge to our humanity or mortal fortitude? What if God tested us as God tested Abraham in Genesis 22:1? But, instead of our faith, our tenacity was being examined.

When we were hated, did we practice love? In the midst of persecution, did we exhibit self-control? In the face of injustice, did we act with gentleness? When we experienced loss and pain, were we able to extend goodness? While we waited for a change to come, were we patient? In those difficult moments, did we find and spread joy? Through it all, did we maintain faithfulness?

Though buildings were closed, I noticed that our hearts remained open. In times of extreme divisiveness, I saw how we unified. We fought to stay close, even when forced to be far apart. We used ingenuity during an unimaginable circumstance. We stood tall for those who have fallen. In adversity, we persevered. "When we have learned not to give up, it shows we have stood the test. When we have stood the test, it gives us hope." (Romans 5:4 NLV)


Jurors for Justice (Part II)


Jurors for Justice