What my Joy Looks Like Today


By Maryclare Beche

Today I choose to take joy in the little things that life brings which can be easily taken advantage of. I take joy in my mother’s cow that gives us fresh milk every morning. Whenever it is milking time, it’s always a hustle trying to have her get settled. But today she stood calmly and allowed me to take some milk. Cows are amazing. My mother’s cow always remind me of a caring, selfless mother who is willing to feed both her children, and those who are not hers.

I take joy in attending my niece’s prayer day in school today, thanking God for successfully completing her final primary level exams. She is a beautiful, courageous and hardworking young girl. My niece received two awards, one for being the school’s head girl and the other for being the leader of the scouts group (Girl Guide). She has proved to go beyond every limit just to achieve what she has done so far and I couldn’t be any more proud of her. It gives me so much joy to see her full of dreams, ambitions, and excitement to start high school.

Finally, I take joy in the rain that poured on us on our way home - soaking us wet while at the same time nourishing the ground upon which we grow our crops. There is something about rain that always make me happy. The cold drops touching my body then finds its way through my skin as it drips make me feel grounded. So yeah, today my joy looks great.

For it is the little things in life that help me reconnect with my body, this body that has been so kind to me.

Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash


What If God ...?


What If God ...?