Senior Pastor, The Church at Litchfield Park, Houston, Texas
Listed: 10-26-23
Employer: The Church at Litchfield Park , 3737 Buffalo Speedway Suite 500 Houston,Texas | (713)-300-9665
Location: Houston,Texas
Position: Full-time
Contact: Sarah Santos
Job Description:Job Description
POSITION: Senior Pastor, The Church at Litchfield Park, Houston,Texas
The Church at Litchfield Park is searching for a Senior Pastor to serve in the total worship life of the congregation while demonstrating a Christ-like spirit, an attitude of cooperation, dependability, and rapport with all members and staff.
Essential duties and responsibilities:
Coordinator of Worship and Preaching Ministry
* Coordinates the worship life of the church in conjunction with the worship committee.
* Shapes worship life based on Biblical guidelines, theological insights, and the traditions of mainline Protestantism and awareness of psychological values.
* Preaches in both traditional and contemporary services.
* Maintains high standards of preparation and presentation in preaching.
* Prepares sermons that address the spiritual development of the congregation, incorporating effective language, exposition of Scriptures and illustrations.
Coordinator of Pastoral Care:
* Calls regularly on hospitalized members.
*Visits and cares for members of the congregation in need.
* Works with the Associate Pastor and other staff to ensure that shut-ins, hospitalized members and others in need receive regular pastoral contacts.
*Works with the Deacons and other care groups in the congregation to develop strategies in caring for those in need.
*Develops a strategy of getting to know members of the congregation on a personal basis.
Involvement in Educational Ministry
* Works with church staff in planning for the educational life of the congregation.
* Teaches regularly in the life of the church.
Responsibilities of Administrative Leadership
* As head of staff, demonstrates a Christ-like concern for each staff member.
* As head of staff, carries out the policies of the Board of Directors.
* Encourages and leads by example, modeling appreciation, mutual respect, teamwork and trust.
* In conjunction with the personnel committee of the Board, communicates clearly to the staff, what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Ordinarily conducts annual reviews of staff members with a designee of the personnel committee.
* Works cooperatively with the Board of Directors in carrying out church programs and goals.
Involvement in Fellowship Life of the Congregation
Regularly attends fellowship opportunities in the congregation.
* Plans with appropriate committees increased opportunities for fellowship for the entire congregation.
Responsibilities for Mission
* Works with the mission committee in carrying out programs and goals.
* Supports the mission work of the congregation in congregational communications.
* Helps the mission committee identify new opportunities for mission as well as strengthening historic mission projects.
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