Solo Pastor - Mendham, NJ
Listed 05-24-2021
Employer: First Presbyterian Church, 14 Hilltop Rd., Mendham, NJ 07945 | 973-543-4012 |
Location: Mendham, NJ
Start Date: 09-01-2021
Type: Full Time
Please check out their MIF # 04833.AE0 for additional information and self-referral details on the Church Leadership Connection.
Our mission statement outlines our vision for ministry. In acknowledging the presence and power of God, we celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper as tangible ways of experiencing Christ's ministry. As we grow in faith, we turn to our pastor to offer hope and guidance by preaching the word in prayerful, Christ-filled sermons that are relevant to our lives. We fulfill our commitments thru prayers, study, sharing, teaching and serving.
Our Church’s defining qualities are our inclusive, welcoming, congregation and our music program. Music is critical to worship and we have invested in sound systems, instruments and staff. Our music director leads the programming of traditional music for service. We have a solid adult choir, bell choir and youth choir. We host an annual concert that draws outside singers. Our congregation values pastoral outreach and visits. We have dedicated deacons who are aligned with each congregant. The pastor identifies and addresses visitation needs. We also have 11 trained Stephen Ministers to support our church family. The education programs are well-defined and volunteer led. We offer Sunday School and Youth programs, Adult Education classes, Communion and Confirmation classes and Bible study groups. Hands-on mission programs at our Church provide outreach on local, national, and international levels and engage volunteers of all ages. Our fellowship events offer connection between all demographics within our congregation.
We envision our pastor to be a visible, pro-active example of outreach in the church and community. A major focus area for our newly called pastor is increasing the attraction of Hilltop to the people of the Mendhams and surrounding communities. As a congregation, we will work with the pastor to invite people to enthusiastically join and worship with us. Our greater community has many unchurched individuals/families and this provides great opportunities for us to reach out to our fellow Christians. Along with the goals of adding new member families and invigorating our existing congregation, we anticipate that our officers and lay leadership will be trained and motivated in serving our church. We are looking for a pastor to provide an environment for individuals and families to immerse themselves into our programs and ministries. We are looking for renewed commitment of our members to willingly support our stewardship and mission in money, time and talent. We need to provide learning and understanding of what it means to be Presbyterian - our traditions, faith and beliefs. Our pastor should be involved and available; visiting existing and future church families and children in our Sunday school and Youth programs. S/he will participate in and support our fellowship, hands on mission and our fund-raising activities.
We are looking to our pastor to lead the congregation with strong, motivating messages from the pulpit. To help us grow in our faith, our pastor should provide Bible-based, theological preaching that encourages us to apply Christian lessons in our daily interactions and guides us in understanding our responsibilities as Presbyterians. We are seeking a pastor who recognizes how to build on existing congregational foundations. To this end, our pastor needs to be comfortable and motivating with encouraging stewardship. We pray for a pastor who is competent in encouraging the congregation to volunteer their time and talents. We anticipate that our weekly gathering for lessons in God’s word and fellowship results not only in our own personal grounding but also in congregational kinship and collaboration. We anticipate that our pastor will inspire lay leadership by showing us how to spread the good news. Whether it is participating in our many mission activities or promoting our Deacon’s program, our congregation will look to our pastor to see how to respond to those in need of God’s love and care. By working with staff and committee chairs, the pastor can model collaboration and direct our talents towards fulfilling our outreach goals. Our church family anticipates that our pastor will be welcoming to the community groups who share our campus, from the Hilltop Christian Nursery School, local Scouts, and AA fellowship to potentially helping others to find a home at Hilltop Church.
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