Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission, First Presbyterian Church, New York City, NY

Listed: 12-22-22

Employer: First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York | 12 West 12th Street New York, NY 10011 | 212-675-6150


Location: New York, New York

Type: Full-time

Contact: Associate Pastor Nominating Committee

Download: Job Description 

First Presbyterian Church is looking for a called Associate Pastor for Social Justice and Mission.   We are looking for an experienced leader and energetic motivator with a heart for social justice and mission, to galvanize our congregation by broadening and deepening the involvement of members in opportunities to serve.  

We welcome applicants with 2+ years of pastoral experience and are particularly interested in applicants with unconventional backgrounds and those who came to ministry after a career in social justice advocacy, nonprofit work or similar fields.

The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to challenge, equip and encourage each of its members to follow Jesus Christ’s commandments: to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and to “love your neighbor as yourself.” In furtherance of this mission, First Church seeks to provide spiritual and practical guidance in interpreting and implementing Biblical teaching. Worship, education, fellowship, service and outreach are designed to support this mission and to foster the spiritual growth and commitment of all church members. The congregation of First Church believes strongly in an open and inclusive church that extends an unqualified welcome in Christ’s name to all who seek to join in following Jesus Christ, living in his grace and sharing his love.

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry?
It is our vision for our ministries to serve the needs of a changing neighborhood, city, denomination, and world. We aim to reinvigorate our mission–to integrate it with our social justice ministries and in our engagement with the wider community through service, partnership, learning, and worship opportunities. Our eight Social Justice and Mission Action Groups: Facing Racism, Earth Care, LGBTQ, Refugees and Immigration, Presbyterian Women, Elder Care, Eradicating Poverty, and Global Missions (Cuba) carry out our mission by addressing local needs in our immediate neighborhood and beyond through service programs and direct outreach. Additionally, the Mission and Social Justice Council, composed of the action group chairs, awards annual grants and thinks spiritually and holistically about where God is leading us as a church in our Mission and Social Justice efforts inside and outside of our walls.

How do you feel called to reach out to address the emerging needs of your community or constituency?
We feel called to invest more of our energy and resources in furtherance of our mission in the areas of elder care, urban housing and poverty including food and housing insecurity; racial, socioeconomic, and gender-based inequality; refugee and immigration support; earth care and stewardship; and the commitment to nurturing relationships and community-based in Christian love. We also are eager to discover the other areas a new Associate Pastor’s vision will highlight so that the Word may be heard and lived boldly in New York City and wherever our programs may reach.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?
This position will energize the congregation by broadening and deepening the involvement of members and constituents in the community through expanding existing programs and adding new ones. Through these programs, we will have practical opportunities to show our love for our neighbors as is our mission. It will address the needs of the congregation and help to develop opportunities to serve, support, and advocate in areas and ways appropriate for the congregation.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.
The congregation expressed a desire to call an experienced leader in the area of urban mission, social justice, and ministry with vision, compassion, and a hopeful outlook as important qualities. We are looking for an energetic motivator and collaborator to strengthen our congregants and community. We believe someone with a proven commitment to - and experience in – inspiring, motivating, and managing volunteers will best suit our needs. We want to be galvanized in partnership with this leader.

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?
We ask that the Associate Pastor undertake a mission of social justice and outreach, engaging directly with the congregation and working in partnership with other aligned mission-driven organizations in New York City and elsewhere, to create more fellowship opportunities for new and existing members to get connected, to build a more involved congregation across age groups, and provide opportunities for service, advocacy, and mission.

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Clinician, Chicago Torture Justice Center, Chicago, IL


Director of Doctor of Ministry Programs, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL