Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation - Chicago, IL

Listed: 07-19-2021

Employer: Fourth Presbyterian Church - 126 E Chestnut St, Chicago, IL 60611 | (312) 787-4570 |

Location: Chicago, IL

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Associate Pastor

Fourth Presbyterian Church seeks an Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation to oversee and coordinate the multiple facets of Caring Ministries, including pastoral care by clergy staff for hospital and home visits; the work of Stephen Ministers and the Board of Deacons; and the Parish Associate for Older Adults. The Associate Pastor also coordinates, with the Events Coordinator, memorial and funeral services; provides program leadership for the Spiritual Formation Council; supports the work of the Ecclesiastical Relations Council and its Seminarian Care Subcommittee; has responsibility for administrative duties; and participates in worship leadership.

1. What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

Fourth Church is a vibrant community with commitment to our mission. Our vision is to celebrate and deepen our commitment using the following gifts:

Active, Diverse Congregation

Fourth Church is an active congregation, attracting members of diverse faith backgrounds and life experiences. People are drawn to the church by worship services, music and arts programs, mission activities, and major life events. Our four-generation urban church provides unique opportunities for enrichment and service.

Strong Pastoral Staff and Lay Leaders

A staff of 7 ordained clergy work with the Pastor to lead the congregation through teaching, preaching, and hands-on programs. Fourth Church also is blessed with committed lay leaders who make up our 37-member Session, 50-member Board of Deacons, 21-member Board of Trustees (overseeing financial, legal, and property affairs), and 21-member Chicago Lights Board. Our Personnel Committee works with the Pastor and Sr. Assc. Pastor to plan staffing and administer annual reviews. Our joint Finance Committee works with staff on financial matters.


Discipleship is a central conversation at Fourth Church. We strive to be a church that embraces racial equity by purposely including all people, demonstrating radical hospitality, and modeling an antiracist approach. Part of this includes actively defining how the congregation can more deeply engage in addressing interfaith, racial, and cross-cultural issues facing our city, the church, and the world.

2. How do you feel called to reach out to address the emerging needs of your community or constituency?

Fourth Church’s ministry reflects key theological issues of our church and society.

Reformed and Always Reforming

We believe the Gospel guides our care for the world and one another. This is reflected in our strong Reformed worship and insightful preaching tying the Word of God to issues and struggles of contemporary life; in education programs focused on Christian discipleship, Bible study, and spiritual formation; and in mission programs that engage volunteers with the world. We continue to reform our worship services and ministry programs to meet our community's emerging needs, like the global pandemic, and preexisting needs that have gone unrecognized.

A Light in the City

Fourth Church believes that Christ calls us to put our faith into action by reaching out to all people with special care for the least, the lost, and the lonely. Our Interfaith Resource Committee supports engagement with our Jewish and Muslim neighbors and other faith communities. Our Racial Equity Council guides us as we expand our active leadership of conversations on racial tension, working to increase understanding of cross-cultural issues and values. We welcome and affirm the LGBTQIA+ community and continue to educate ourselves on how to shape our words and actions for further inclusivity.

A Leader in the PC(USA) and the Nation

Fourth Church clergy and members have held significant leadership roles in the PC(USA), NEXT Church, and the Presbytery of Chicago. We are a founding member of the Covenant Network.

3. How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

The role of Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation is at the heart of caring for members, attenders, and staff of Fourth Church and furthering the spiritual growth of all.

The position carries forward the vision and mission of Fourth Presbyterian Church: to strive to be a welcoming, serving community through ministries of healing, reconciliation, and justice; and affirming the worth of all and nurturing each individual’s spiritual pilgrimage.

Fourth Presbyterian Church has a vision exemplified by its strategic directions. The Associate Pastor of Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation will partner with individuals, committees, councils, and church staff to carry out these initiatives.

4. Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization.

  • Pastoral - to convey and present pastoral care in a manner that reaches all church members and its extended community.

  • Open-minded - to examine new and unfamiliar experiences with an open mind and open heart as one engages the fullness of Fourth Presbyterian Church.

  • Inspirational - to move people in a way that directs them to walk a journey that leads to their spiritual fulfillment.

  • Mindful - to be fully present when providing care.

  • Compassionate - to support individuals in times of personal stress or when spiritual faith is being challenged.

  • Available - to observe people and situations and take initiative to care for individuals and the community.

  • Value others - to recognize and willingly respect that others of diverse backgrounds and experiences add value.

  • Strategically focused - to see the church as a ministry that trusts in God’s abundance while practicing good stewardship to safeguard its present and to ensure that it thrives well into the future.

  • Humor - to feel comfortable engaging in the lighter side of pastoring.

  • Morally principled - to lead at all times utilizing good decision-making practices with unquestionable integrity.

  • Embraces life - a person whose genuine faith shines through, offering warmth, love, and kindness.

5. For what specific tasks, assignments, and programs areas will this person have responsibility?

  • Oversee and/or coordinate the multiple facets of Caring Ministries including:

    • pastoral care by clergy for hospital and home visits

    • staff support to Stephen Ministry and the Board of Deacons

    • staff support to the Caring Ministries Council, a committee of the Session

  • Provide staff support and program leadership to the Spiritual Formation Council

  • Supervise and support the Parish Associate for Older Adults

  • Promote awareness, utilization, and principles of Caring Ministries

  • Convene and coordinate the work of the Caring Ministries Team (Parish Associate for Older Adults; Directors of the Elam Davies Social Service Center, the Center for Life and Learning, and the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being; and the Director of Volunteer Ministry)

  • Organize and coordinate Care Teams of church members when needed

  • Supervise Ecclesiastical Relations Council enlistment of representatives to Councils of the PC(USA) and support the work of the Seminarian Care Sub-Committee

  • Coordinate memorial/funeral services with Events Coordinator and officiate when a pastoral relationship is not otherwise in place

  • Develop and manage the Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation budgets

  • Participate in Sunday morning, seasonal, and special worship services as assigned

  • Participate in monthly Session meetings and weekly staff meetings

  • Other duties as assigned

Compensation and Housing:

Minimum Effective Salary: $75,000

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

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