Associate Pastor - Washington, DC

Listed: 08-03-2022

Employer: Georgetown Presbyterian Church - 3115 P Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 | (202) 338-1644 |

Location: Washington, DC

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Associate Pastor

Brief Church Mission Statement:

  • Mission Statement: Georgetown Presbyterian Church welcomes all persons into our community to aid their spiritual growth and energize them for God’s service through inclusive fellowship, Christian education that nourishes faith in the hearts and minds of adults and children, meaningful worship that inspires, and focused mission that changes lives beyond the congregation.

  • Vision Statement: “Georgetown Presbyterian Church (GPC) aspires to be a diverse, caring, spiritfilled congregation that enriches the lives of its members, and through them, our community, our nation’s capital, our nation, and the world by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed.”

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

The person whom God calls to serve as GPC’s Associate Pastor (AP) will enthusiastically relate to people of all ages and will help re-engage existing and new members of our faith community. GPC congregants have demonstrated an openness to change, as seen in our embrace of the fresh perspectives of our SP; and likewise, we’re open to the changes that the presence and gifts of a new AP has to offer.

We hope their unique experiences and identity will inspire us and support and challenge our congregation.

GPC members highly value a focus on connection between scripture and its application in God’s world today. We hope our new AP will help us act on our need for diversity (age, gender, race, and political ideology) to foster understanding, creative problem solving and a sense of belonging.

We seek: pastoral warmth, empathy, and skill to counsel and comfort those facing physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties; a minister who can discern the ways in which God calls each of us into the service of the Church, the community, and the world; a minister who facilitates deep connections with God and one another in our sometimes-transient city, our church’s mission work, and non-worship church activities.

We celebrate GPC’s membership growth, and we’re hopeful that our new AP embraces our efforts to engage long-term members, attract young families, and welcome new residents of our community, to continue sharing our faith through the generations.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

Have a rich theological foundation and be able to relate scripture to modern society
• Be an active listener, effective communicator, collaborator and delegator
• Act as a creative thinker and possess flexibility, adaptability, energy and a willingness to jump into serving new needs
• Relate to a congregation of all ages and with diverse points of view and backgrounds
• Possess an informal and warm demeanor and a sense of humor which accepts faults and imperfections
• Be empathetic and able to offer comfort to the congregation and lead the Deacons in providing pastoral care
• Have a growth mindset, both to learn from others and to challenge our deeply held assumptions

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

The AP will collaborate with the SP, staff (including the supportive roles of the Directors of Music, Children’s Ministry, and an Administrator) and lay leaders of the church to accomplish our congregation’s priorities. We would like to highlight the following:

Christian Education

  • Facilitate a variety of programs to help us grow in our faith

  • Lead confirmation preparation Community Building

  • Serve as new member facilitator to encourage newcomers and help to ensure they are encouraged to find their service calling in our congregation.

  • Support a multi-generational church by supporting non-worship cross-generational activities.

  • Restore the loss of community when worship and other church activities were virtual, with a special focus on youths and seniors.

Mission Work

  • Build relationships in the neighborhood and community to help us engage the community around us, share our faith and serve others.

  • Serve as a resource for coordination and support for the congregation’s mission work to make a sustainable, meaningful difference in peoples’ lives. Pastoral Care

  • Lead and support the work of the church’s Deacons

  • Provide spiritual care and counseling, including to the sick, grieving, and those unable to physically join in the congregation’s activities.

  • Assist the SP with weddings, baptisms and funerals.


  • The AP will collaborate with the SP and Worship Committee to plan and participate in Sunday services, including preaching about once/month.

Leadership Competencies:

  • Compassionate

  • Hopeful

  • Preaching and Worship Leadership

  • Spiritual Maturity

  • Communicator

  • Collaboration

  • Interpersonal Engagement

  • Motivator

  • Personal Resilience

  • Flexibility

Minimum Effective Salary: $83,785

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

To Apply:

Please submit resumes via email to Kevin McDonald at

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