CPE Resident and Intern programs - La Crosse, WI

Listed: 01-04-2022

Employer: Gundersen Health System - 1900 South Ave. La Crosse, WI 54601 | (608) 782-7300 | https://www.gundersenhealth.org/

Location: La Crosse, WI

Download: Job Description - CPE Resident and Intern

Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI is excited to share with you information about our CPE Resident and Intern programs. Gundersen’s CPE program has some unique learning opportunities which could enrich any CPE training students may have already completed or the initial CPE experience needs through our Internship programs.  Our programs balance intensity with an emphasis on caring for the self and staff.

We are fortunate to have the generous support of the Gundersen Medical Foundation and Gundersen Partners who provide tuition reduction and stipends for the CPE interns in order to foster the pastoral education of the communities we serve. 


  • If students are interested in participating in any of these unique and transformative forms of CPE education and ministry, please contact us or apply online at gundersenhealth.org/spiritual-care.

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