Director of Faith Formation - Wauwatosa, WI

Listed 06-04-2021

Employer: Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church | 1529 Wauwatosa Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 |

Location: Wauwatosa, WI

Start Date:

Type: Full Time with benefits

The Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church is seeking energetic and enthusiastic candidates for our Director of Faith Formation position. This person is responsible for the strategic development and oversight of discipleship and faith formation for children, youth, families, and adults.

Desired qualifications: 

  • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university, and theological training. 
    Experience in implementing and leading teams.

  • Ability to communicate effectively and professionally, both orally and in writing. 
    Strong competence and comfort with technology. Ability to work as part of a team in a reconciling ministry.

  • Passion for helping children, youth, and adults grow in faith.

How to Apply:

Submit resume to:
Wauwatosa Avenue United Methodist Church
1529 Wauwatosa Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
Or email to

Contact: Dave Vollmers

Wauwatosa Ave United Methodist Church

Address: 1529 Wauwatosa Ave Wauwatosa 53213

Phone: 414-453-0700


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