Solo Pastor, Fairbury, IL

Listed: 2-28-25

Location: Fairbury, IL

Position: Full-Time



POSITION: Solo Pastor

Description: We are a loving, diverse church family joined together by common purposes: to worship God, grow in the Spirit, and serve in the footsteps of Christ. We are an energetic congregation that comes together in our belief that God comforts, forgives, accepts, lovingly teaches, guides, and protects us both as individuals and as a church family. We believe in growing and working together as a church both in and outside our church walls. Through God’s grace we will continue to witness to others and share our vision and mission by reflecting Christ in our daily lives to be an example of God’s grace to the community. This provides a warm and welcome doorstep to all seeking a church home.

Focus on Youth: We currently have a thriving youth program. With a thriving youth program comes joy, excitement, parent participation and attendance, and a desire to be engaged. Youth are learning God’s word through Sunday School, multiple youth events throughout the year aimed at all ages, weekly youth group, and Vacation Bible School. Youth activities encourage responsible behavior, respect for everyone, raise awareness of those in need, and teach skills such as fundraising and serving those in need.

Welcome new attendees: Our church is exceedingly welcoming to new faces. As a church we make a strong effort to provide a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. We encourage participation in various activities and committees regardless of membership status. There are a variety of activities and committees for all to be involved in, including: mission trips, Bible study groups, and Presbyterian Women functions.

Our community is a religious community where there are still people to reach. Although Fairbury is a small town, we are a consolidated school district. Therefore we reach out to all 7 of our communities with a loving, helping hand. Our town has a lot to offer from multiple parks, a race track, a golf course, a long running fair, local swimming pools, and a plethora of local, small businesses.

We pride ourselves on our welcoming atmosphere and make others feel comfortable when they step inside our doors. We encourage new attendees with our outreach programs such as Trunk or Treat, the Giving Tree, Back to School projects, and our Vacation Bible School. We are also visible in the community as our praise band participates in community gatherings where we invite all people from our community to participate. We collaborate with other churches in the community frequently to make sure we are reaching a greater number of people. We collaborate with two other churches for VBS and we partner with all local churches for our Lenten lunches. 

We are a close-knit congregation with individuals of all different backgrounds, walks of life, and faith backgrounds. We provide a welcoming atmosphere where it feels like you have always been here when you walk in the doors. We encourage everyone to dress comfortably and come as you are.

We are looking for an individual that is effective at preaching and leading worship and can inspire attendees. Someone who can present a clear message through their carefully and thoroughly prepared sermons. The leader shall help create learning environments where individuals are active participants and members of a collaborative group. Work with committees, Sunday School teachers, and Bible study groups to design lessons that teach concepts, facts, and theology that can be applied to our everyday life.

We are looking for a pastor that can see potential and look at the bigger picture to plan for the future of our church and  prayerfully lead it forward. One that has a natural orientation towards getting people to work together and can  communicate clearly with all involved. One that is willing to foster open dialogue and create strong feelings of belonging among the congregation. We are looking for someone that knows how to get things done, is proactive in organizing groups of people, and completing tasks. One that understands the importance of supporting good policy and practice.

Our church leader needs to be someone willing to connect with and support all age groups within the congregation and community.   Be a presence to the youth in Sunday school, youth group, and VBS. One that continues to improve our online presence through worship online and getting information out about our church and events. Someone that can adapt to new information, changing conditions, and unexpected obstacles.  Our leader should remain open to new ideas and approaches. Clearly communicate short and long term goals, and delegate tasks to those with specific skills. Continue to organize, motivate, and influence others toward a spirit of service.

  • Plan and lead Sunday morning worship

  • Review Easy Worship software prior to Sunday morning

  • Regularly visit shut in members

  • Serve home communion monthly with deacon assistance

  • Be available for hospital and emergency visitations

  • Work alongside office staff

  • Work with Worship and Administration committee, upon arrival, to establish and post office hours.

  • Share with the appropriate committee any plans for special worship services or events well in advance.

  • Moderate Session

  • Build relationships with the youth of the church and participate in youth events

  • Encourage innovative ideas from congregation.

  • Teach and mentor Elders, Deacons, and committee members

  • Good collaboration with local clergy association

  • Be an active member in our communities


Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, Clinton, New York