Full-time Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Lodi, Lodi, WI

Listed: 09-06-22

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Lodi, 258 Lodi St., Lodi WI 53555, (608) 592-4310, office@lodifpc.org

Location: Lodi, WI

Website: lodipresbyterianchurch.org

First Presbyterian Church of Lodi is seeking a full-time, solo pastor.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

• Be compassionate toward those with differing needs.

• Effectively leads worship to include sermons that inspire when delivering the message of God.

• Has leadership qualities that encourage and motivate in a team effort utilizing inclusion, sensitivity, and integrity.

• Has the ability to delegate or ask for help with tasks as needed.

• Adapts to change and brings new perspectives both within and outside of worship.

• Is skilled at building relationships both within the congregation and throughout the community.

• Embodies a spirit of hope for our congregation’s future.

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

Our vision for ministry has been summed up: “With Christ. Loving. Serving. Growing. Together.” We seek to show and share the love of Christ with one another, grow in our faith, and serve and minister to others in the name of our Lord as we walk together in Christian fellowship. We live out our actions as a committed core that works together, is flexible, and able to adapt in an ever-changing world. The pandemic has taught us to expand our minds and talents enabling us to continue our worship services safely and reach others outside of our church walls. We have added an online streaming option along with our in-person worship thus expanding the reach of God’s word. We are a people with deep rooted faith, open minds, and caring hearts. We strive to continue to grow as a whole, both spiritually and physically.

Our current vision for meeting spiritual needs involves providing meaningful worship both in person and virtually, quality Christian education programs, baptism, open communion, Bible study, and fellowship opportunities.

We reach out to the community helping others locally, regionally, and internationally. For over 10 years we have sent a commissioned group of volunteers to help build an educational mission at Leona Vicario, in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. While the pandemic put a temporary stop to safe travel, we plan to return and continue this work into the future.

How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

The right person in this position will equip and partner with our committed lay leadership to discern God’s vision for us as a congregation, challenging us on our faith journey and guiding the laity to live out our faith in Christ. This individual will deliver sermons that inspire and reaffirm the importance of our relationship with Christ. The position calls for someone who will teach, encourage, and guide the congregation in both nurturing and leadership skills.

She/he will be a partner with the Session in the governance of the church, recognizing and supporting the role of ruling Elders and Deacons. The position calls for someone who communicates well orally, in writing, via email and by social media in order to relate to all ages. This individual will understand the importance of developing and revitalizing our Christian education programs for both youth and adults. He/she will be open to change and new ideas including supporting and expanding the development of our virtual presence. With strong social skills, he/she will participate in fellowship events and share our commitment to Lodi by being actively involved within the community.

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to communications@mccormick.edu.


Minister of Children, Youth, and Families, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Wilmette, IL


Associate Pastor for Church Life, Youth and Mission, Plymouth Congregational Church, Miami, FL