Full-Time Settled Pastor - Kiel, Wisconsin

Listed: 12-07-2021

Employer: St. Peter’s United Church of Christ - 424 Fremont Street, Kiel, WI 53042 | (920) 894-2404 | www.stpetersucckiel.com

Location: Kiel, Wisconsin

Type: Full time

Download: Job Description - Full-Time Settled Pastor

We are a strong rural community church. With many dedicated, multi-generational families. We value our traditions but are open to new ideas. Our motto is: “We are Love, Challenged by Christ, To serve All.” We are imperfect but believe we exist to serve others. We are a benevolent church, sensitive to the needs in the world. We want to continue serving others and strengthening our inner circle of faith. Moving forward we’re looking to build strong programing to inspire younger members for the future of St. Peter’s. We are looking for a compassionate, personable faith leader with a strong faith to co-minister with us. Our ideal candidate is one who can relate the scripture to our daily lives and effectively communicate, work, and partner with us to encourage spiritual growth and acts of faith among our youth and adults.

Core Competencies:

  • Is a compassionate, caring, and approachable person.

  • Gives sermons relatable to daily life.

  • Makes pastoral calls on members, including those in hospitals, nursing homes, and those confined to home.

  • Has a strong commitment to the education ministry of the children and adults and is effective in working with children and youth programming.

  • Establish roots and develop relationships with the community.


  • Salary plus Benefits – With some pastor contribution to retirement and health insurance plan costs (to be negotiated)

  • Housing allowance to be designated by pastor out of total salary package.

What is the expected living situation for your next minister?

The Pastor will secure his/her own housing arrangement to accrue home equity. We are looking for a pastor that is going to immerse him/herself in the life of the church and establish roots within the community. Ideally our next pastor will find housing within the City of Kiel so that he/she can be readily available to the members of the church and participate in community and /or church events. If adequate housing within the City of Kiel cannot be obtained, housing within a surrounding community will be reviewed and approved by the membership of the Pastoral Search Committee. We have contacts to assist in the housing search.

Comment on the residential/commuting expectations for your next minister.

  • Preference is for the minister to live in our community or very close, minimal commuting.

  • Hospitals and nursing homes used by our members are normally within 30 miles

  • Major hospitals – Milwaukee & Green Bay are within 60 miles.

  • Mileage reimbursement included in package.


  • To apply, please send cover letter and resume to Karen Thiessen at tethiessen@frontier.com

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