Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Astoria, Astoria, Astoria, Oregon

Listed: 01-17-23

Employer: First Presbyterian Church of Astoria | 1103 Grand Ave, Astoria, Oregon 9710 | (503) 325-1702


Location: Astoria, OR

Type: full-time

Download: Job description

Contact: Linda Oldenkamp, (503) 325-3981


The Pastor provides spiritual nurture, religious education, and pastoral care for all congregants and, with the Session, develops and monitors mission strategies for the church. The Pastor also provides administrative oversight to the facilities of the church, including the Sanctuary and Goodenberger Hall.

The Pastor is accountable to the Session and to the Presbytery.


1. Denominational training and experience as an ordained minister.

2. Commitment to meaningful and relevant worship services, Christian Education, and spiritual growth.

3. Excellent organizational, administrative, and communication skills.

4. Ability to warmly relate and reach out to others.


Preach and Teach

1. Lead Sunday worship services, and preach the gospel as it relates to the changing needs of the community and today's world.

2. Officiate at all church ceremonies, including the sacraments, weddings, memorial services, installations, and dedications.

3. Provide opportunities for individuals to reflect on their beliefs, concerns and doubts regarding Christian understanding.

4. Commitment to and experience in congregational growth, attracting new members and families.

5. Provide training and encouragement to the Session, Deacons, and committees in articulating vision and developing programs.

6. In consultation with the Session or Personnel Committee, plan for and participate yearly in educational programs for personal and professional development.

Pastoral Care

7. Provide a pastoral presence to those in crisis; short-term counseling; conduct congregant visitations, including Communion for the home-bound, sick, or infirmed.

8. Develop relationships with faith and community groups and share their needs and concerns with the Session and appropriate committees.

Administration and Leadership

9. Moderate the Session. Assist and encourage the Ruling Elders, Deacons, and committees in the effective operation of a broad range of program activities.

10. With the Session, enlist/recruit chairpersons for all committees, such as Worship, Finance, Mission and Stewardship, Christian Education, Personnel, Fellowship, Facilities and Use, and Buildings and Grounds. Act as an ex-officio member of these committees, attend the meetings as needed, and be knowledgeable about their vision, responsibilities, and tasks.

11. Train, supervise and review the work of part-time staff and schedule staff meetings as needed. Work with appropriate staff to coordinate the church calendar and building rentals.

12. Schedule consistent office hours and be flexible in other hours of service.

13. Annually schedule and participate in pastoral performance review with the Personnel Committee.

14. Participate as an active member of the Cascades Presbytery, be informed of the decisions taken at its meetings and support the mission and goals of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

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