Senior Pastor/Head of Staff, Trinity Presbyterian Church, McKinney, Texas

Listed: 11-15-2022

Employer: Trinity Presbyterian Church | 5871 Virginia Parkway, McKinney, TX 75071 | 972-542-4629


Location: McKinney, TX

Type: Full-time


Download: Senior Pastor/Head of Staff job description

We are a PC(USA) church, located in McKinney Texas, 35 miles north of Dallas in Collin County. We invite honest questions as we worship and serve a big, mysterious God. We take the Bible so seriously that we don’t take every passage literally and miss the intended meaning. We are intentionally inclusive and welcome all, really all, who want to grow in grace, understanding, compassion, and service in the name of Christ Jesus.

What is the congregation’s or organization’s vision for ministry? Additionally describe how this vision is lived out.

Trinity Presbyterian Church (TPC) is a warm and welcoming church, living out Jesus’ commands to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbors. Our vision is to give all we know of ourselves to all we know of God, and to do everything in love. Since we are to love God with our minds, all questions are welcome. We know God is bigger than our ability to comprehend and we’ve discovered the greatest growth comes from patiently exploring the big questions that God and life have placed before us. We do this with a commitment to be intentionally inclusive and open to discussion of new ideas.

Founded in McKinney, Texas in 1855, TPC has provided a witness to Jesus Christ and nurtured disciples since the days of gas lights and horseback rides to church. Located in the heart of Collin County, one of the fastest growing and economically vibrant areas in the U.S., membership includes residents of the county as well as numerous other communities throughout North Texas. Our congregation represents all ages, political affiliations, denominational backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, nationalities, and theological positions. There are great opportunities for further growth of the congregation as Collin and neighboring counties expand.  TPC is unusual in the stability and strength of its leadership with only two Pastors/Head of Staff in the past 29 years and the same Associate Pastor for 17 years.  Other key staff also have many years’ experience.

Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and or organization.

Trinity seeks a Pastor/Head of Staff who will communicate the feeling of warmth and welcome that is characteristic of our church family. We seek a Pastor/Head of Staff who has enthusiasm for being involved in each facet of Trinity’s 5G life, one who hopes to grow in ability and in the Spirit, answering the call to serve God and God's people.

The Pastor/Head of Staff will:

  • have an inspiring, relevant preaching style and a readiness to proclaim God's word from the pulpit

  • have the skills to lead the congregation to embody Christian humility, compassion, service, and spiritual maturity

  • serve as an empathetic counselor and teacher, showing compassion and listening skills to deal with the joys, sorrows, and critical issues faced by persons of all ages and backgrounds

  • have effective leadership and administrative skills which support, develop and lead the staff in its daily work

  • appreciate the intrinsic value and importance of a vibrant music ministry

  • exhibit commitment to lead and grow an effective stewardship program

  • possess strong communication skills (both written and spoken) and a comfort level when addressing audiences of all sizes and types

  • enthusiastically affirm the ministry of the laity and its role in the life of the church

  • demonstrate cultural proficiency and an appreciation for our ever-changing world

What specific tasks, assignments, and program areas will this person have responsibility?

The Pastor/Head of Staff will participate freely and fully in all aspects of the life of our church, serving as a preacher, a teacher, and a head of staff while empowering the staff and congregants to manifest the Holy Spirit for the common good.

He/she will:

  • plan and lead the worship experiences central to the life of our congregation, including the administering of sacraments

  • conduct wedding and memorial services

  • lead the church staff, allowing it to exercise initiative as all parties work toward helping the church realize its mission.

  • moderate the Session and actively engage with the ministry of the laity, including the work of Elders, Deacons, other church volunteers

  • support children's and youth Christian education programs, LOGOS, and service opportunities

  • develop and implement strategies to increase member engagement

  • promote a variety of mission work, within the local, national, and global communities

  • represent church through engagement with local community organizations

  • provide pastoral care to our members, including but not limited to visiting homebound members, comforting the grieving, and counseling engaged couples

  • communicate effectively with individuals, the congregation, and larger church bodies

  • work actively with the staff and laity to implement those activities that foster justice and peace in the local and global communities

Job listings submitted by third parties are not verified by McCormick Theological Seminary. If you have a job you would like to see listed here send the details to


Director of Youth and Family, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Alabama


Ministerial Leadership, Judson Memorial Church, New York, NY