Solo Pastor - Sunnyside, WA

Listed: 06-24-2022

Employer: Sunnyside Presbyterian Church - 737 S. 16th St, Sunnyside, WA 98944 | (509) 837-4314 |

Location: Sunnyside, WA

Type: Full-time

Download: Job Description - Solo Pastor

1. How will this position help you to reach your vision and mission goals?

We seek a pastor who will continue to build and nurture our relationships with God, family, and community. This pastor will provide leadership, organization, and encouragement for the members of our congregation as well as a consistent contact point for the community. We desire the individual who fills this position to strengthen and challenge us to use our God given gifts and resources in ways that we have not previously thought of or dared to attempt.

The pastor we seek will have a vision of how we can grow our church family. This position will require strategic planning to oversee members of our church as they actively support local organizations and programs. This person will inspire us through worship and spiritual nurturing. The pastor’s gifts and talents will bring a fresh perspective, helping us evaluate our strengths and weaknesses. He or she will combine leadership and direction, helping to move us toward our mission goals, which include outreach to the Hispanic and the unchurched communities.

2. Provide a description of the characteristics needed by the person who is open to being called to this congregation and/or organization.

We are a congregation that would like to hear a well-thought out, well-crafted, and well-presented sermon each Sunday, which will give us something to chew on and sustain us through each week. We want to nurture our relationship with God, family, and community. Through a good sermon, we can accomplish those goals.

Our pastor should also provide leadership, organization, and encouragement for the members, church officers, and the office staff. We want our church to be a happy place to work and a welcoming place for the members and be a contact person for our community.

We would like a pastor that not only will inspire us through worship and new ideas, but join us in hobbies, sports, and other community activities. Our community has many events through the year such as our Christmas Lighted Farm Implement Parade, Sunnyside Sunshine Days, Community Easter Egg Hunt, Cinco De Mayo Days, just to name a few.

One more thing about the Sunnyside Presbyterian Church congregation we would like you to know, is that we are easy to work with, understanding, kind, and generous with our time and gifts. We will encourage you as much as you will encourage us. Our faith in God is genuine and we are sincere in our efforts to help our church to grow, not only in members but to be an inspiration for our community.

3. What specific tasks, assignments, and programs areas will this person have responsibility?

The pastor position encompasses many duties including but not limited to; plan, preach, lead the worship service, supervise church staff, moderate session, work with session committees to give input on church programs and events. The pastor should actively participate in Presbytery meetings/events, visit the sick and shut-ins, as well as the bereaved. He or she will provide or refer appropriate counseling and guidance when requested. The pastor’s role is fluid as the needs of the church evolve.

Minimum Effective Salary: $49,300

Housing Type: Housing Allowance

To Apply: 

Contact person Deborah Clark email:

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