Christian Educator, Wilmette, IL

Listed: 11-27-24

Employer: 1024 Lake Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091, 847-251-7333

Location: Wilmette, IL

Position: Part-Time



POSITION: Christian Educator

Trinity United Methodist Church, a welcoming community of compassion and faith on suburban Chicago’s North Shore, is seeking a Christian Educator to oversee the Christian education program on-site. The position involves providing children and youth with opportunities for spiritual growth, mission, service, and fellowship. This position reports to the Senior Pastor. Compensation is a competitive salary for an average of 20 hours/week.

Position Essentials:

  • Relate to children, youth, and adults in a Christ-like manner.

  • Be an effective communicator of God’s story.

  • Be passionate about engaging and integrating children, youth, and families into the life of the church.

  • Collaborate with children, youth, and their families in ministry programs, service initiatives, and special events.

  • Lead Christian education initiatives for children and youth, such as Sunday School, Confirmation, and special events that might include but are not limited to Live Nativity, Easter Egg Hunt/Events, Ice Cream Social, Trunk or Treat, and Movie Night.

  • Recruit and develop volunteer team members who lead well in Sunday School and special events, using Safe Sanctuary practices.

  • Work within the established budget and responsibly steward these funds.

  • Communicate clearly and timely with parents and congregation in conversations, and with appropriate information through email, newsletter, and bulletin announcements.

  • Work as a strong team player with the pastor, staff, and appropriate church committees, and collaborate with Staff-Parish Relations Committee and Family Friendly Committee of the Strategic Plan.

  • Network with other resources such as Trinity Church Nursery School for special events.

  • Supervise paid caregivers in the Sunday Nursery, as needed.

Education and Experience Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher preferred.

  • Preference for United Methodist background.

  • Training and/or experience with children and youth ministries desired.

  • Safe Sanctuary Practices training completed prior to start date.

Candidates considered for an offer of employment will be required to pass a background check. 



VP for Institutional Advancement, Chicago, IL


Senior Pastor, Norfolk, VA