Created to Rest: Formation Week 2025
MARCH 14, 2025
Answering God’s call to rest and our accountability to our own minds, bodies and spirits, we embrace the sacred rhythm of being "Created to Rest" at our 2025 Formation Week. This special week is dedicated to answering God's call to rest and honoring our accountability to care for our minds, bodies, and spirits. In a world that often glorifies busyness and constant productivity, this week serves as a gentle reminder of the necessity and sanctity of rest.
By setting aside this special time, we provide a much-needed space to step back from the frenetic pace of everyday life. It’s an opportunity to replenish not just our energy but also our spirit, allowing us to reconnect with our inner selves and with God’s creation.
Throughout Formation Week, participants will engage in thoughtful activities that highlight the essential role that rest plays in our lives, underscoring its transformative power. We will delve into the depths of Scripture, reflecting on the Creator's example of resting on the seventh day:
“On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; He rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work he had done in creation. Genesis 2:2-3
This passage not only emphasizes the importance of rest but also the sacredness of stepping away from our work to honor renewal.
In addition to contemplating this biblical mandate, we will focus on the restoration that comes from honoring our own ancestral accountability to rest. We will explore how rest can act as a healing balm, allowing us to address buried or hidden traumas that may exist within our community.
We will introduce a variety of tools and practices that foster realization, restoration, and healing. These may include guided meditations, quiet reflection periods, and creative expression, aimed at deepening our understanding of rest’s holistic benefits. We will be reminded that it's not just about physical rest; it’s about nurturing the whole being—mind, body, and spirit. By the end of the week, we hope that each participant will not only have a deeper comprehension of rest but also a renewed commitment to incorporate restorative practices into their daily lives.
We eagerly anticipate your participation in this sacred journey. Together, let us embrace the rhythm of rest and cultivate a community that honors God’s call and cares for the well-being of each individual. Join us in this compelling mission to reclaim the sacred space of rest, as we strive to reflect the balance that God designed in creation.