JKM Library Closed 7/30 - 8/15


Dear Colleagues –

If you’ve been on the JKM Library website -- http://www.jkmlibrary.org -- any time recently you know that the move of the JKM Library staff and public spaces is coming…in  6 days, on August 2nd.  But just to be clear….

The JKM Library will be closed from Friday, July 30th through Sunday, August 15th  for the long summer weekends and for the move from the west to the east wing.  During this time we cannot provide any service to the public. No access to books, to study carrels, to reference service, to circulation service, to ILL service.  (The JKM website will be operational, however, and therefore you will have access to databases.)  In fact, we will be out of email and phone communication for some of this time as our phones, computers and data lines are being moved. 

On the 16th, JKM will reopen on the third floor of the east wing.  We may not have everything ready for patron use (since we cannot predict when such things as the photocopiers will be moved by the outside vendor which services them, for example).  But we will be open, waiting to assist you as best we can.  All JKM staff, the circulation desk, reference collection, comfy furniture, coffee and cold beverages, patron computers, wireless, current periodicals—all this will be available to you. The west wing, the book stacks will be closed to the public. Books will be retrieved for you on a scheduled basis. Once the fall term begins we will provide 6 hours of access to the stacks on a schedule to be announced. So we will be in a new era.

The next two weeks you will see lots of activity in the hallways and on the poor elevator.  We solicit your prayers as we embark on this new adventure!

And look for announcements of a House Warming reception in the early Fall.  Our new spaces are quite fine and we want to see you in them!


Christine Wenderoth

Director, the JKM Library

1100 E. 55th Street

Chicago, IL  60615

Tel: 773.256.0735



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