Journeying through McCormick: What It Has Meant to Attend McCormick


Four of this year's graduates give glimpses into what it has meant to attend McCormick. 

Antonia Coleman
"I have learned that perseverance is a well-earned character trait that will allow me to see the fruition of hope as a marathon of grace. The frames are rose colored, but the lenses are clear. I confidently know that grace belongs to the Eternal Wonder and it is sufficient. Ase and Amen."

Dhanushka Dilshan
"My journey at McCormick demonstrates how the messages of salvation, peace, harmony and reconciliation need space to create, the invitation of the Spirit, knowledge of self, recognition of our histories and healing. Through these graces, life can emerge by bringing justice, development, freedom and peace."

Melanie Quinones Hernandez
"When I learned that I was admitted to McCormick Theological Seminary, I never imagined that my journey would be so holistic. In the seminary we not only grow theologically, but along with that theological growth all other areas of our lives grow, both ministerial and personal. Today, after three years in the Latino Master of Ministry Program, I can affirm that McCormick gave me tools, experiences and a partnership which have helped me to form a theologically feminist voice, to fight for spaces of ministerial equality. At the end of my student journey at McCormick I must express that I see the gospel as a totally liberating entity, an entity of justice, that gives voice and agency to every human being."

“Cuando supe que fui admitida en el Seminario Teológico McCormick, jamás imaginé que mi jornada sería tan holística. En el seminario no solo crecemos teológicamente, sino que junto a ese crecimiento teológico crecen todas las demás áreas de nuestras vidas, tanto ministerial como personal. Al finalizar mi jornada estudiantil en McCormick debo expresar que veo el evangelio como un ente totalmente liberador, un ente de justicia, que da voz y agencia a cada ser humano.”

Marcus Tayloe
"My mind, body and spirit have been enlightened over the past two years such that I feel as if I can be an effective global citizen who fights for justice amongst the world. I came to McCormick to study Bonhoeffer, but am leaving feeling prepared to live like Bonhoeffer."

I’m told we are to love our neighbors and the people living in our prisons are our neighbors, our sisters, brothers, mothers, and fathers. ~ Avalon Betts-Gaston
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