McCormick Alums Making A Difference in the Lives of Others


By M. Edwards

Meet McCormick Alum Timothy D. Hart-Andersen

At the age of 19, then Tim Andersen went to Ecuador to serve others. A decade later he began his studies at McCormick Theological Seminary. In May, 1984, Tim Hart-Andersen received his Master of Divinity from McCormick.

In 1998 he was called to serve as Pastor and Head of Staff at Westminster Presbyterian Church, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As Westminster celebrated its 150th Anniversary in 2007, and committed twenty percent of its Anniversary Campaign funds to local and global missions, it created a housing development. Out of the funds came Nicollet Square, a 42-unit supportive housing complex for vulnerable young people, ages 18-21, with services to support mental health, independent living and employment skills.

The first residents moved into Nicollet Square in December 2010. Both Westminster and its partner church Plymouth Congregation provided pots, dishes, towels and other move-in items and lots of volunteers. Several local businesses hire the residents. Since the complex was built 65 people have made it home. The Butter Bakery recently moved into the commercial space at Nicollet Square from a nearby location, they have become an instant success in the neighborhood and a wonderful source of employment and training for many residents.

Tim Hart-Andersen says, “These youth have suffered so much. They are thrilled with the physical plant, the professional support and the privacy and safety of their own apartment. The investment is bearing fruit in the lives of these young people. Through Nicollet Square, Westminster is showing mercy and hospitality to those with some of the greatest needs.” Rev. Hart-Andersen is now serving his 14th year at Westminster.


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