McCormick Participates in the 220th General Assembly


By M. Edwards

McCormick Theological Seminary will be present along with commissioners, advisory delegates, observers, staff and other participants and seminaries

The 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will be held at the David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh from June 30 through July 7, 2012. We invite you to our events which are listed below:

  1. McCormick Seminary/Chicago Presbytery Reception – Monday, July 2 at 8 pm –come enjoy drinks and hors d’oeuvres with alumni and colleagues in the Chicago Presbytery.

  2. Seminary Fair – Tuesday, July 3, lunch hour –MTS representatives will be available to provide information and respond to questions about the Master’s Level and DMin programs. Fill out a registration card and receive a bag of Garrett’s world-famous popcorn. Through your registration card, you will be eligible for a McCormick t-shirt drawing. Other treats include McCormick M&Ms and bandannas.

  3. McCormick Seminary Luncheon – Wednesday, July 4 at noon – Recently installed President, Frank M. Yamada, will be introduced and will speak on the significance of the year 2040 and The Futures of Theological Education.


The convention agenda is full with topics including: human sexuality and the church – gay marriage, gay ordination and same-gender partner benefits. More than 800 individual items of business will be discussed by Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders and 221 advisory delegates and thousands of visitors for the biennial national meeting of the PC(USA).

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The Beginning of Difference


2012 Distinguished Alumna Award Recipient: Rev. Tricia Dykers-Koenig