Peace Day Chicago 2011


One of our (many) peace-lovin' alums, Matt Black (M.Div. '07), has been putting his head and heart to work, in partnership with some other pretty cool folks, to invite us to consider: What would happen if people from all over Chicago—artists, activists, musicians, students, and ordinary people from every walk of life—came together to celebrate their dreams for a just and peaceful world?

Let's find out.

Peace Day Chicago • Wed, 21 Sept, 4-7pm
1. Show up at Grant Park.
2. Bring something.
3. Make some peace.

So far, we know people are planning: mural painting, drumming, honk for peace signs, dancing, silliness, games, fun, laughing, various types of noise making, picture-taking, silly faces, face painting. Learn more and let 'em know you're coming:


Alum Matthew Floding Publishes "Welcome to Theological Field Education"


Remember From Where You Came