Task Force Forming


Joint Announcement concerning the formation of a task force to explore an agreement of collaboration between the JKM Library of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and McCormick Theological Seminary, and the Paul Bechtold Library at Catholic Theological Union at Chicago.

Looking forward to opportunities that imagine new ways to engage, collaborate, and sustain the important work of each of our beloved institutions, the presidents of LSTC, McCormick, and CTU are establishing a joint task force to explore the possibility of sharing staff between the JKM Library and the Paul Bechtold Library. The task force, headed by the Academic Deans of each school, may explore further collaboration of the libraries if advisable. This task force is asked to make a proposal to the presidents by mid-Spring, 2021.

David Crawford
McCormick Theological Seminary

Mark R. Francis, CSV
Catholic Theological Union at Chicago

James Nieman
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

"Stack of Books" by Ann Arbor District Library is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


Lives Well Lived, and Wonderfully Presented


In Memoriam: Rev. Dr. Benita Valerie Glynn-Jarrett