McCormick announces its 2023 Distinguished Alum and Rising Star recipients
Chaplain María R Sullivan- Marrero, MAM 2020
Rising Star recipient
Chaplain María R Sullivan- Marrero, class 2020 is the recipient of the 2023 Rising Star Award. This award is presented to an alumnus/a in recognition of faithful contribution to ministry in Church and Society.
She believes firmly that we are called to give a voice to the voiceless, to empower many and stand against any type of violence to the least of these.
At McCormick, María’s passion for social justice grew like a fire; a flame that was first sparked over 20 years ago. María first earned a Certificate in Latinx Theology and Urban Ministry under the guidance of Rev. Dr. Leslie Diaz-Perez. María’s interest in the struggles of minorities especially females, led her to later pursue her Master of Arts in Ministry.
To persevere during her studies, María remembered her husband words, “one semester at a time” and Dr. Leslie's favorite: “Breath!” when essays and other homework were due. Though her last year at the Seminary was challenging due to the Pandemic, María persisted in learning as much as she could. She wanted to be trained not in a church but what she called “the field” a Rape Crisis Center. Fair Haven Rape Crisis Center in Highland, Indiana gave María the opportunity to become a Certified Sexual Assault Advocate. Under the guidance, supervision, and mentorship of Bishop Dr. Barbara Wilson, María’s calling was reaffirmed.
Because of the knowledge and experience acquired at McCormick, such as valuable interactions with professors and classmates, Maria was inspired to expand her vision. She organized, with another advocate, the first Spanish-speaking support group for victims of Sexual Assault. María also translated the educational materials in Spanish and created a safe space for victims of Domestic Violence at her church House of Hope, a bilingual worship community. María serves as Pastor with her husband at the church, located in Whiting, Indiana. María is a retired RN, lives in East Chicago, Indiana with her husband Rev. Obed Marrero and three fur babies Max, Sophie and Sadie.
Rev. Carmen M. Rosario-Riviere, MDiv 1984
Distinguished Alum recipient
Rev. Carmen M. Rosario-Riviere is the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Alum award. This award is presented to an alumnus/a in recognition of his or her distinguished contribution to the ministry of the church.
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, she holds a B.A. in Education / History, and an M.A. in Education/History from the University of Puerto Rico. In 1984 she obtained the degree of MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary. She did doctoral studies in the field of Latin American Studies at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Rev. Rosario-Riviere was ordained to the Ministry of the Word and the Sacraments in 1984, being the first Hispanic woman ordained to such ministry in the Presbytery of Chicago.
Rev. Rosario-Riviere served as pastor in the presbyteries of Chicago, Monmouth, and since 2006, in the Presbytery of New York City. She has had a long career as a professor of history and Latin American studies at both the University of Puerto Rico and the City University of New York. Her ministry is community-oriented. Issues such as social justice, women rights, racial-ethnic and immigration, among others, are of much of her interest and involvement. She has held leadership positions in presbytery, Synod and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Currently she is Co-Moderator of the National Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Caucus as well as Chair of the Racial Equity Advocacy Committee of the General Assembly and an elected member of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board. Rev. Rosario-Riviere has received several awards including recognition as a Woman of Achievement in the field of religion in Monmouth County, New Jersey in 1989. In 2006 she received the Woman of Faith Award, Women Ministry Area, IP USA. She is married to William Reyes and is the mother of a son, Ernesto Roldan, and the proud grandmother to Mia, Teagan and Dani.
Chaplain María R Sullivan- Marrero, 2020 MAM
Rev. Carmen M. Rosario-Riviere,
MDiv 1984