Why McCormick? Why Now?


Among the incoming students who will start classes this fall, Chris Culley and Kenneth Scott shared with Leading Change how their decision to attend McCormick was the right next step on their theological education journey.

“I am often met with a look of bewilderment when I tell someone that I am preparing to enroll in seminary. In our current cultural climate, theological education may seem to do more harm than good. This is an understandable response, considering the prevalence of toxic, harmful theologies in American politics. Indeed, when theology is wielded by the powerful as a weapon in the so-called “culture war,” it can create an army of homogenized soldiers that cause immense damage. At its best, however, theological education instills students with a passion to enact real change in their communities with the healing and liberating power of the Gospel. I chose to attend McCormick because I am hungry to learn from and connect with others who share this passion. Through efforts like the Solidarity Building Initiative and the Trauma Healing Initiative, McCormick is doing excellent, important work that demonstrates the heart of Christ in proclaiming good news to the poor and freedom for the prisoners. In such a time as this, I can think of nowhere else I’d rather be.” Chris Culley

“A year ago, I was contemplating seminary education and researched several Chicago schools, including McCormick. After much prayer and a recommendation from a close friend, I took a second look at McCormick. I was intrigued by McCormick’s diverse staff and student body, and its rigorous master’s program. I am attending McCormick to answer what I feel is an intense call of God to pursue master-level biblical education. I believe McCormick will further strengthen my knowledge of the Bible and provide practical tools that will allow me to better equip God’s people for service. This is my season for change. It’s evidence of my commitment to press onward and upward and reach toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. In McCormick, I see a commitment to transform God’s people, helping us to make meaningful changes in our local communities and our world.” Kenneth Scott


“Theological education instills students with a passion to enact real change in their communities with the healing and liberating power of the Gospel.” Chris Culley — first-year student

“Theological education instills students with a passion to enact real change in their communities with the healing and liberating power of the Gospel.” Chris Culley — first-year student

Chris Culley

Chris Culley

Kenneth Scott

Kenneth Scott


Building community from the community


McCormick Day 2021: Radical Imagination in Unprecedented Times