Sophia's Theme Park for Church Leaders Virtual Retreat

Registration is now open! Please, register by January 5. That way the resource package will reach you before the event begins.
Full participation is equivalent to 1.5 CE credits
Registration fee: $150

Includes a resource package with guidelines for individual contemplative practices, and art supplies for specific communal spiritual practices that we will do during the retreat.

Scholarships available for seminary students.

Register Here:

Goals and Objectives

The main goals are to rest and play! During the retreat, participants will be able to:

  • Play as a way of resting from work

  • Nurture their spirituality while learning, actively and intentionally moving and listening to their bodies

  • Try out new ways to express theological reflections

  • Examine their approaches to ministry and their true self

  • Enjoy fellowship with other church leaders and ministers

About the facilitators

Presenters and scholars such as the following will be facilitating the “rides” and spiritual disciplines during the virtual retreat.

  • Rev. Dr. Joanne Lindstrom, Director of Experiential Education and Field Studies, and Associate Professor of Ministry at McCormick Theological Seminary.

  • Rev. Lis Valle-Ruiz, PhD, Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Liturgics at McCormick Theological Seminary, playwright, actress, artistic director, designer of creative liturgies and communal healing rituals, educator and playful scholartivist.

  • Other pastors and chaplains will have short interventions.

Program at glance

Tuesday, January 11

Check in to your place of rest. Situate yourself. Prepare to join the virtual retreat.
Your experience at the virtual retreat will be more nourishing for you if you break away from your normal working routine in order to participate. We are inviting the participants to crash a friend’s couch or guest room, or to go to their in-laws, their lake house or rent a hotel room using their continuing education budget if they have it, or at the very least, move to a different room or set camp in their living room.


Wednesday, January 12 (3.5 contact hrs.)

7:30 AM Pacific / 9:30 AM CST / 10:30 AM EST / 11:30 AM PR 
Open plenary: Ice Breaking games (30 mins.)
Opening worship (30 mins)

Break (10 mins.)
The Divine Power of Play (50 mins.)

9:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM CST / 12 PM EST / 1 PM AM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

4:30 PM Pacific / 6:30 PM CST / 7:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM PR
(90 mins. with two 5 min. breaks) - ongoing vocational discernment and spiritual practices, testing play and imagination as pedagogical strategies

6:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

Thursday, January 13 (3 contact hrs.)

7:30 AM Pacific / 9:30 AM CST / 10:30 AM EST / 11:30 AM PR 
Visio Divina in community (30 mins.)
Break (10 mins.)
Games (50 mins.)

9:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM CST / 12 PM EST / 1 PM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

4:30 PM Pacific / 6:30 PM CST / 7:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM PR
(90 mins. with two 5 min. breaks) - ongoing vocational discernment and spiritual practices, testing play and imagination as pedagogical strategies

6:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

Friday, January 14 (3 contact hrs.)

7:30 AM Pacific / 9:30 AM CST / 10:30 AM EST / 11:30 AM PR   
(90 mins. with two 5 min. breaks) – Imaginative interactions with sacred texts.

9:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM CST / 12 PM EST / 1 PM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

4:30 PM Pacific / 6:30 PM CST / 7:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM PR
Campfire: Book Conversations (90 mins. with a 10 min. break)

6:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM CST / 9:00 PM EST / 10:00 PM PR
Asynchronous activities: Read, Rest, Reflect, Rest, Relax, Rest, Recreate…*

Saturday, January 15 (2.5 contact hrs.)

7:30 AM Pacific / 9:30 AM CST / 10:30 AM EST / 11:30 PR   
To 10:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM CST / 1:00 PM EST / 2:00 PR   
Plenary, Evaluation, Closing Worship

* Asynchronous activities include (3 contact hrs.)
Individual reflection: lectio divina, visio divina, walking
Contemplative making: lollipop, star wand, luminaries 


  • Participation in all synchronous meetings and completion of recommended short individual spiritual practices = 15 contact hours total.

  • Because the experience is conversational and interactive in nature rather than unidirectional presentations, and because we want to cultivate a space where leaders can unwind, activities will not be recorded.

For more information: