McCormick’s Trauma Healing Initiative is dedicated to fostering a compassionate, trauma-informed culture in theological education. With a heart for community, it strives to strengthen connections with faith groups and partners, equipping them with valuable resources to effectively address and heal from institutional, historical, collective, and personal trauma. Together, we can create a supportive environment for all!
[APRIL 1, 2024]
An Invitation to be Restful
The theme for Formation Week 2024 emerges in response to the rapid pace and the busyness of life that has become a (too) familiar part of modern life. Our students carry the fullness of this life -- the weighty sense of call that brought them to seminary alongside the mounting everyday demands of academic, financial, ministerial, and familial/communal responsibilities.
Yet, such rapid cadences are interrupted by refrains in biblical passages like Psalm 46:10a that attest: Be still and know that I am God.
[MAY 6, 2024]
Durbin, Hospital Leaders Release Year 5 Report On Chicago Heal Initiative To Address Gun Violence
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today joined hospital leaders and the Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) to unveil the five-year report of the Chicago HEAL Initiative. Launched in 2018 by Senator Durbin and 10 of the largest hospitals serving Chicago, the HEAL Initiative is a collaboration to address the root causes of gun violence through economic, health, and community projects in 18 of Chicago’s neighborhoods with the highest rates of violence, poverty, and health disparities. Today’s report highlights significant progress made by the hospitals in local hiring, job training and mentorship, and trauma-informed care and youth mental health activities. As part of today’s report, Durbin also announced $4.35 million in new federal funding to support these hospital-led efforts to break the cycle of violence through community programs.