A lot has changed in one week, huh?


By Maryclare Beche

Last Sunday I woke up very excited to go visit a new church for one of my class projects. It was sunny and beautiful outside. I kept telling my friend how I could not believe that I finally got to wear my light dress after a long period of time. We went to New Covenant Evangelical Church in Logan square. That day, the preaching was about forgiveness. It was powerful! I went to bed that night thinking to myself, "I will have to go back to church next week to finish that sermon." What I am trying to say is, it was a perfect day!

Fast forward, a week later, the entire world has taken a complete turn. All of a sudden, I can't go to church, I can't go to the gym, classes have been suspended and I have to practice self-isolation. It's been three days now and I am writing this with all honesty, I do not like it all.

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with acute PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), I then started to fight my way back to a healthy mental state. The gym then became my sanctuary, a place where for an hour, I can at least get out of my head. After coming to McCormick, it became my second sanctuary. Read more


The Girl Became Flesh (Proverbs 8 and John 1)
