
We are digital! And, in light of the isolation that many may be feeling due to the virus outbreak, the timing could not be better. While we weather this storm together, we hope and pray that through The Herald digital platform, we can come together to be the encouragement and uplifting of spirits for one another.

Click here to go to the Herald Facebook page where we can all chat and share how we are doing in these time where physical contact has been limited, especially for students who stay alone. We would like to know how you are and what you are doing to adjust. Send us videos, audios, photos and even articles to post on our blog. You can send your articles or photos here and copy us at and If you have any videos or audios that you want to share with the rest of the community, send them via whatsapp to 773 584 8775 or 773 821 1145.

Let's create a community as we keep in touch, share, and have fun together.

Stay safe!

Maryclare and Brenda

Herald Co-editors


A lot has changed in one week, huh?


I’ll Tell You Where God Is – 1 Kings 19:9-13; Mark 6:45-52