

By Brenda Pogue

How many days have I sheltered in place? With God’s mighty hand, I am settled in grace.

What happened to yesterday, gone like the mist, memories of past days that faintly exist.

Quiet is the din, the cacophony of rhythm, camouflaging heart speak, the music of wisdom.

Nor is frenzy a perpetual state, a burden of being, an encumbering weight.

Today I am living, perhaps as I should, in a manner of ease, of calmness, of good.

Nature has also, responded in kind, the breath of life once again intertwined.

The sky is true bluer, the color of friends to whom loving thoughtfulness promptly extends.

Crystalline waters, clear as my mind’s eye, unmasked now atmosphere unveils mountains high.

A new cadence of life has a much slower stride, the spirit transformed from being to guide.

Reacquainted with habits taken out of employ, rekindled moments of untarnished joy.

Unfamiliar solitude in hallways and streets, reconnects the familiar to self and completes.

I’d rather stay here in this new mystery to discover the view with a new liberty.

Found is fulfillment, no cry of alack, I like where I am now, don’t wanna go back.


Never Stop. Never Settle.


The Flames of the Coronavirus Will Not Destroy You.