Never Stop. Never Settle.


By Elexis Wilson

As Black History is winding down. I can’t help but consider the dichotomy that is facing African Americans. This dichotomy of faith and fear that is mixed with this consistent entanglement of suffering and salvation that seems to have a reoccurring theme in the lives of African Americans. Recently, I heard the President of Wiley College state, “Our Village is on Fire”. Our men and women are being gunned down. Our children are not being educated properly. Our homes are being shattered and somehow we are all standing in our inclusive Black History Programs singing “We shall Overcome”.

Have we as a collective body decided what we need to overcome from? Have we depicted the injustices that surround us and decided it’s time to make a change? Is it possible for African Americans to refrain living in fear and masking the suffering through faith? This idea that my faith will encompass my suffering and will overshadow the injustices in our lives because well…Jesus loves me too. At what point will fear turn into power and faith become at catalyst of change. I am sure there were great things that were accomplished this February, but when Snoop Dogg and Gayle King are arguing over the late Kobe Bryant and Bill Cosby is tweeting from jail. My thought is simple. This Black History Month is brought to us by Hennessy, “Never Stop. Never Settle”.


Why God? A Time for Lament

