BLOW YOUR WHISTLE: Being the Conscience of Society


By Brenda Pogue

Whistleblowing is not a new phenomenon, though of late, it seems to have become a more frequent occurrence. It is also taking on new and different forms. Staff members come forth in the political arena to alert the public to the unethical behavior of an elected official. Page after page, tell-all books illustrate the scandalous goings-on of prominent figures in our society. Employees risk their jobs to speak out against the wrongdoings within large organizations. Disturbing videos of immoral activity is captured by mobile phones and distributed to the public via social media. There is even a whistleblowing movement among international hacker groups, called hacktivists, who highlight corruption of governmental agencies and institutions. Illicit, horrendous, and unimaginable conduct is not new, but what would make one reveal that which is intended to remain concealed? What is the impact of whistleblowing?

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