
By Dickson Barasa

Zoom has become very familiar with many people around the world. It is not only famous in the so called Developed Countries, but every nation has adopted this mode of communication during this time of the Covid-19. Before the pandemic, not many people had imagined that zoom meetings would become a new normal in which places of work would be deserted and the work to be done remotely. Zoom has come with its own challenges. It seemed that many people had not mastered how zoom works. First- time users experienced a lot of problems. It did not matter whether the users were in the United States or in Kenya. I remember my colleagues in Kenya telling me that their first zoom meeting was attended by less than a half of all the members while the rest had problems such as poor connectivity, no power. Interestingly, my friends and I experienced the same trouble as we joined zoom for the first time. But after subsequent meetings, connecting with others on zoom became very simple and we were accustomed to it.

As we continue to observe health conditions that have been put in place in order to curb the spread of Covid-19, it seems that we will continue a little longer than we expected until that time when the vaccine will be out. Otherwise we have to continue designing ways of overcoming the challenges of virtual meetings.




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