
By Maryclare Beche

Since we are unable to travel, we thought we'd reminisce and share some of our favorite travel destinations. What are your favorite places? Let's live vicariously through one another for a moment. Share your best vacation spots with photos here.

It’s been a really strange year. Personally, I have had a lot of changes in my life; a lot of ups and downs. I have had a lot of uncertainties and fear of what will come next. Some I have shared on my regular rants on Twitter, and I have kept a lot to myself. It has been a year of relatively intense creativity for me. I have spent a lot of this year in a constant state of reflection, this made me start writing on my journal more regularly – I write about my emotions, experiences, accents, and brainstorming everything and anything; some too dense that they stay saved in secret drafts. You know, sometimes you get in that spirit where you just want to create and do things. That describes how my year has been so far.There are so many things I wanted to do and places I wanted to visit this year. Today I found myself thinking about Barcelona. It is my favorite places to visit. Besides variety of Spanish cuisine and beautiful landscape, Barcelona is where my vocation was confirmed (story for another day). The streets of Barcelona are so full of life. Among many other things, I miss La Ramblas, one of the famous streets in Barcelona, with La Boqueria Market. There is a saying that if you can’t find something on La Boqueria, it is not worth eating, at all! There is a variety of fresh sea food and fish. It is Incredible. I should also say that it is in this street where my vocation came to life. I miss the beautiful pieces of artand the intriguing work of Gaudi. I miss the beautiful La Sagrada Familia, the church that is still under construction and surrounded with cranes. It is stunning! It has illuminated interior and an exterior that is filled with beautiful statues.

It is an incredible place, without any obvious references in historical architecture. Not forgetting the dancing fountain! One day, when I found the right words, I will tell of how seeing water dancing to a melodious tune made me feel. Barcelona is definitely a city with a soul!

Change often comes abruptly. It hits us hard and forces us to keep moving, to stay standing. And this year has been a proof of that. Maybe one day I will be able to go back to Barcelona. Or even better, maybe I will be able to go to places I’ve always wanted to visit; like the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, or even back to the Rocky Mountains. Until then, I will keep drowning in my absurd amount of over-thinking and reflection, holding to the hope that one day, maybe in the near future, we will have a “new normal” and it is going to be safe to travel again.


