Messaging Training for Faith Leaders


By Kim Lewis

Election Resilience Messaging

I attended a webinar for Messaging Training for Faith Leaders on Tuesday. It was a well-structured meeting in unifying our voices for moral messaging (inclusive of a timeline, scenarios and action). There were numerous speakers at the meeting, and I just received the YouTube toolkit. This toolkit is a recap of the entire webinar (about 15 minutes). The link is below.

I also took notes, cleaned them up and included them here as well:


  • Gain understanding of the process

  • Messaging and modeling to keep people informed, empowered and resilient between now and a declared election result.

  • Sharpen our communications skills

  • Opportunities for action.


  • Regardless of which scenario comes to pass:

  • Moral messaging is a must. “Count every vote” is the key demand at the outset.

  • Modeling composure and resolve are key – we may be in for a very long session. “Composure and anger” is ok, “composure and fear” is ok, but “composure and idleness” is not ok. There is preparation for action. What is the most effective messaging that we as a choir can be singing to the country? In response to chaos and fear-stoking, we must reiterate “count every vote” and speak from the same songbook

For more of Kim's notes, click here.


How Good To Center Down!
