This is what Thanksgiving means to me...


Thanksgiving is a time of reflection of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon all of us. For God’s grace and mercy renews every morning. And when we fall short in our journey, we can lift our head and recall God’s Word, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9a NRSV).. We couldn’t buy it, we couldn’t earn it, we couldn’t chose it, it is God’s unmerited favor. It was given to us through God’s love toward us.

Deacon Douglas Gaines, Co-Moderator - Student Council.

Thanksgiving is a time of having an "Attitude of Gratitude." Thanksgiving is a gift of faith, love and hope in which we gather to worship God with those whom we love the most. Thanksgiving is a time of not engaging in Apathy but in Empathy. My favorite quote for Thanksgiving is “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” -Dalai Lama. Happy Thanksgiving and Many Blessings to the McCormick Community!

Valorie Tatum, 3rd Year MDiv.

Thanksgiving to me is not just appreciation of the good that has happened for me, but also an appreciative reflection of what didn’t work for me, what I was denied, and the pain I had to go through. Through it all, I am grateful.

Stephen Apollo, Co-Editor

For me, the one word that describes the Thanksgiving season is “Sankofa.” It is a time of reflection - looking back at what God has done for me and offering gratitude to God for the many blessings in my life.

Donna Hammond, 2nd year MDiv.

Thanksgiving should inspire mindfulness and gratitude; mindfulness that the “traditional” thanksgiving-story is not what it seems, and gratitude for God and Their blessings.

Catherine Leigh Amber, 1st Year MDiv.

I'm sending special thanks all McCormick staff. Thanks for their support and service, we students feel safe and are able to make our journey successful.

Dongchan Kim, 3rd year MDiv

Thanksgiving is about celebrating God's love for us and our love for each other. Love leads to healing, hope, and happiness.

Johnnie Lawrence

What Thanksgiving means to me is a gathering of love and fellowship. Good times of laughter and remembrance.

TaKeena Cochren, 1st Year MAM.

Thanksgiving to me means a time to reminiscing God's acts in anticipation for things to come.

Maryclare Beche, Co-Editor.


Through my African Eyes: If You Have Swum in Oceans, You Cannot Sink in Ponds


Through my African Eyes: From the Pocket to the Heart