Through my African Eyes: From the Pocket to the Heart


By Stephen Apollo

Sometimes we find ourselves at the service of others from a platform of abundance. Sometimes we give because we have more. Sometimes we spend time with others because we simply had time to spare. That when we are in a space of abundance it becomes so easy to give to others. The dark side of just giving from abundance is, it can be very impersonal or literally, like the way some people usually respond to appreciation, “It’s nothing.”

Service to others should be a heart’s product. Needless to say, the place of love in giving cannot be overemphasized. In a manner of speaking, we should not just serve others from the abundance of our pockets, but also and foremost, from the wealth of the heart. Perhaps this is what David had in my mind when he said, “I will not take for the Lord what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing” (1 Chronicles 21:24 ESV). Serving from the heart means that, we may need to go an extra mile for others or we may need to give up some things for others or we may need to create some time for others from our very busy schedules. And friends, this is an invitation from the pocket to the heart.


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